twenty two

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"Pureblood" Veronica said the password so she could get into the Slytherin Common Room.

Inside the dark room, a few students were hanging out and one of them turned out to be Regulus Black. Veronica swore she had never been so happy to see his long black hair and pale face.

"Reg" she said making the boy turn around

"Not Black anymore, I see" the Black boy joked at her choice of words

"Well after what you did tonight, I think we are on nickname basis" Veronica joked

She walked forward and sat down on one of the couches, just beside Regulus.

"How do you feel?" Regulus asked Veronica

"Physically good, but emotionally like shit" she replied

"I mean you almost casted an Unforgivable to Lily Evans" The younger boy stated

"Oh, I don't care about the Mudblood. I was talking about Potter" Veronica replied

Regulus just looked at the girl surprised. He was raised in pureblood supremacy ideals but he had never pronounce those insults as carefree as she. He guessed it maybe was different since she grew up as a Riddle. Pureblood supremacy beliefs were the strongest in her family.

"I heard he is alright, that the healing spells you did saved him" Regulus looked into her dark brown eyes in search of any emotion but she was good at putting a mask on

"He is, but that also doesn't change the fact of what I did" Veronica sighed while looking into his grey eyes "How did you know anyway?" she asked him

"About the Horcrux?" he asked back

"Hmm" she mumbled

"I overheard your uncle talking to my parents about horcruxes over Christmas investigated a bit about them out of curiosity. Then we came back and you started behaving differently, more angry and dark. I then looked for something new on you, just in case and when I saw the ring I immediately knew" Regulus Black explained

"Well Reg, you probably just saved me from ruining my own life" Veronica joked "Thank you" she now said more seriously

"You're my friend, Ronnie. That's the least I could do" Regulus smiled when she addressed by her nickname

Veronica looked towards the dorm room and hesitated going there, how could she face Narcissa?

"I told her" Regulus suddenly said making Veronica turn from the door of her room towards him

"What?" she asked confused

"I figured as she is your best friend she needed to know you didn't shag Lucius on purpose and that you were manipulated into doing whatever it could hurt the other person more" Regulus admitted to which Veronica just looked at him surprised

"Why are you doing all this for me? You saved me and now you also saved my relationship with my best friend" The girl asked him

"I owe you" he simply replied

"What are you talking about? You don't owe me anything" Veronica stated seriously

"When we were little you always protected me. My parents were way more harsh on me than on Sirius, they knew I was going to follow their path unlike my brother and you always stood up for me when it was too much. Also, when I was sorted you were always by my side, making sure I was okay. You're an older sister to me, Ronnie" Regulus spoke and it was the second time Veronica Riddle was left speechless.

She remembered all those times when she was younger and she would be best friends with Sirius, she always protected his younger brother Regulus, she didn't know why but she just felt she had to. Then, when the young boy was sorted into Slytherin she made sure everything was perfect for him.

"You're a younger brother to me too, Reg" Veronica smiled at the boy and opened her arms to hug him

She was not much of a hugger, but his was Regulus Black and right then they had both discovered their bond was actually stonier than what they had previously realised.

· · ·


Veronica Riddle got into her dorm room and that only Narcissa was inside. This was probably the only time she would be glad to see Sophia and Ophelia.

"Hey" Veronica shyly side.

Since when was she shy?

"Oh hi" Narcissa replied and kept brushing her hair

Veronica inhaled deeply preparing herself for the next few minutes. She was supposed to be a heartless bitch and now look at her, not even knowing how to start with her speech.

"Look Cissy, I know what I did is-

Narcissa Black cut Veronica Riddle off slapping her cheek hard. The black haired girl brought a hand to her face and groaned in pain.

"I deserved that, not going to lie" Veronica said

"You did, but I was told everything and now that I know you only did it because you were persuaded into hurting everyone around you, I'm not mad at you I just hope you enjoyed the dick, but don't think about doing it anymore" Narcissa stated

"Trust me, I've already have too much Malfoy dick. You can have him" Veronica said making her friend laugh

"Oh that's true, losing your virginity to that git. Can't relate" Narcissa joked

"At least I didn't lose it to a Hufflepuff" Veronica said making Narcissa roll her eyes remembering when she lost her v-card to a Hufflepuff

"How are things between you and Malfoy anyway, have you made up already?" the half blood asked

"No, but I'm just waiting for him to come around. Meanwhile, Lestrange is still a good shag" Cissy stated as she started brushing her blonde locks again

"Ugh, not Lestrange, Cissy" Veronica grunted in disgust

"Oh please he's hot, and besides it's better than being around those Gryffindors" Narcissa Black looked at her friend

"Oh, come on!" Veronica threw a pillow towards the blonde

"I'm kidding, I'm kidding" they both burst out laughing "You can't imagine how much I've missed you" Narcissa sighed after a few moments of silence

"Well, I'm back and I'm not going anywhere" Veronica smiled at her friend

Both girls smiled at each other sweetly, they've missed their best friend.

"I'm sure Black's dick is worth it" Narcissa joked all of a sudden

"I hate you!" Veronica sank her head into the pillow

Not the right Gryffindor anyway

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