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slug club

"You look beautiful" Narcissa said when she finished straightening Veronica's hair

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"You look beautiful" Narcissa said when she finished straightening Veronica's hair

"I'm so jealous, if only I was good in potions and Slughorn invited me" Sophia whined

"It is really boring Soph, really" Veronica told her

"Still!" She said making the rest of the girls laugh

Narcissa and Veronica made their way down the stairs making the two boys waiting for them stare in awe.


"Shut up Nott" Lucius Malfoy cut off the other boy as he made his way towards Narcissa

"You look beautiful" he complimented the girl who just blushed

Veronica made her way towards Theodore Nott with a smirk on her face.

"You really are my best dream, Veronica Riddle" he kissed her hand

"More like your worst nightmare, Nott" she laughed "You look great too" she complimented him back and linked their arms together as they made their way out of their common room and lead the way to Slughorn's office.

"Ah! Veronica! Come inside come! You too Mr. Nott" Slughorn greeted both students

Inside Veronica could recognise the two Ravenclaw prefects with their dates, Narcissa and Lucius were also there, a pair of Hufflepuffs, Remus Lupin and James Potter.

She say down where her Professor told her, next to him and directly in front of James.

"You look so much like your father, Veronica" she knew what Slughorn meant. She did look like her father but her personality was inherited by her uncle and that was exactly what Slughorn meant, yet he didn't want to admit it. His brightest student became the wizarding world's greatest fear.

"A lot of people tell me that" she smiled politely

"Her looks are astonishing" Theodore complimented her, earning a sarcastic laugh from James Potter who was quickly shut up by Remus

"Thank you" she whispered

"As bright as he was also, a wonderful witch indeed" Slughorn said making Veronica smirk at all the attention she got

"Thank you , Professor" she smiled again

"What do you plan on doing after you graduate Ms. Riddle? A talent like yours should not go to waste" The Head of Slytherin asked

"I'm not quite sure yet, but I know that I want everyone to know my name, to change the world" she replied proudly not even noticing how Slughorn's smile fell

That was the same answer Tom Riddle gave him a few years before.

The party continued with a lot of compliments towards Veronica who replied more arrogant as time passed, her already big ego being inflated even more.

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