Paris is crazy

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Annabeth and Percy were supposed to be taking a break. Aphrodite herself had suggested it, having seen the building tension between them. The lack of excitement. They had survived war and the Pit, yes, but normal life was proving to be more difficult for their relationship.

So they were going to Paris, for a romantic break funded entirely by the goddess of love. She'd even given them matching magical bracelets that allowed them to understand and speak to the locals in fluent French. It was going to be perfect. Peaceful.

So why, Annabeth thought, staring at the scene that had greeted them outside the hotel they were supposed to be staying in, were there monsters and superheroes?

Percy gawked up at the hotel - Le Grand Paris (apparently with the bracelet on he could read French more clearly than he had ever been able to read English) - or more importantly, at the battle raging around it. Two figures in tight costumes were flying madly around a giant clown. The girl was wearing spotty red, the boy black. It looked to Percy like they were trying to destroy the clown's nose. They weren't being very careful about it, either. Percy watched in horror as they smashed in windows, and Annabeth swore in Ancient Greek as the golden sign pronouncing the name of the hotel went crashing to the ground near them.

"Sorry, could you move out the way?" A girl's voice asked politely. Percy frowned as he turned to look at her - why wasn't she screaming and running? Instead, the girl was holding a phone up to the hotel, filming the battle. Her eyes moved off the screen briefly to squint at him from behind glasses. "Did you not hear me? You're in my shot- oh, you're American. Uhhhh, you bad here, go?" She pronounced the last words slowly, along with much pointing and shooing, and Percy realised she must be speaking English.

"Oh, right, sorry," he said. The girl looked at him, surprised. He remembered that he was speaking fluent French. "Uh, we're not American. Well, we are, but we can speak French. What-what's going on here? Do those guys need some help?" He winced as the boy smashed into the brickwork.

"Oh! Well, hi! And no, they're doing fine."

"Doesn't look like the building is, though," Annabeth said.

The girl smirked. "You'll see. Now move out the way please, I need to film this for my Ladyblog."

Bewildered, Percy moved out of the shot, pulling Annabeth along. They waited behind the girl, watching the fight on the roof of the hotel. The black suit boy seemed to have some kind of black energy building in his hand. He shouted something indistinguishable, and shoved his palm into the clown's face whilst the red girl distracted it. The clown's nose disintegrated, and something dark flew out of it. The red girl shouted something, and threw something red at the black thing. She caught the red thing, and released a white thing. By now, Percy was very confused, but the filming girl looked completely at ease, like this was a regular occurrence. The red girl tossed the red thing back into the air - was it a yo yo? - and shouted again. A swarm of ladybugs descended on the hotel, and when Percy managed to swat them out of his face, he saw that the hotel was looking good as new. His jaw dropped, and he pointed between red girl and the hotel.

"You- I- What?- You saw that too, right?" He questioned nobody in particular. Annabeth nodded, looking pale. The filming girl zoomed in on the two superheroes doing a fistbump before going their separate ways, then stopped filming.

"yEs," she squealed, doing a little happy dance. "I got the whole thing!" She noticed them staring. "Oh, right." She laughed nervously, and offered him a hand. "I'm Alya. Welcome to Paris. Any questions?"

They both stared at her, then Annabeth asked, "What did I just see?" Just as Percy said, "Who were those people, what were they doing, why were you filming, and what in sweet Gaia's name is gong on here?"

The girl, Alya, laughed. "You just saw Ladybug and Chat Noir, our resident superheroes! The clown was an akumatised person. They crop up sometimes, and Ladybug and Chat Noir help fight them. The thing is, nobody actually knows who they really are behind the masks, so I run a blog called the LadyBlog, where I post theories. That's why I was filming them, so I could post the video on my website. I get that it's probably a bit overwhelming for somebody who's new here. How long do you plan on staying for, ...."

"Percy and Annabeth," Annabeth offered. "And we'll be here for a week, I think. Maybe longer, if it's going to be this exciting!"

"Great! Is this your first day? Where are you staying? You have to meet Marinette!"

"Yeah, we just arrived, we're supposed to be staying in this hotel - that's why we were here. Who's Marinette?"

"Marinette's my friend. I was actually waiting to meet up with her for ice-cream when Ladybug arrived. Knowing her, she'll turn up late as always, having just missed all the action!"

As if on cue, a girl with dark hair and small bag bouncing at her side ran up to them, looking dishevelled. "Alya! Thank goodness you're still here!"

"Hey, Marinette! You missed the action again, girl! Why were you so late?"

"Um, I got the meeting place wrong." She scratched her head nervously. Annabeth gave Percy a meaningful look that he didn't understand at all. "Who are these people?"

"Oh! Meet my new friends, Percy and Annabeth! They just arrived, they're from America!"

"Oh! Uh, hello and how are you?"

"We can speak French," Annabeth said with a smile. "I'm very well, thank you."

"Oh," Marnette blushed and stuttered. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have assumed-"

"It's fine," Percy said. "Pleased to meet you, but we should really get checked into the hotel."

Alya seemed to notice somebody behind them, and grabbed Marinette's elbow. "We really need to be going, too."

"Why- oh. Yeah, it was really nice meeting you guys, maybe we could meet you at the weekend?" Marinette yelled over her shoulder as she was dragged away.

Annabeth watched them go. "Well, that was... interesting."

"Well hello!" Somebody simpered behind them. They spun to find a blonde girl dressed in yellow, examining her nails. "Do you speak French? English? German?"

"French is fine," Annabeth said, examining the girl. "I'm Annabeth, this is Percy. And you are..."

"I'm Chloé Bourgeois, darling! My Daddy is the mayor of Paris, and he owns this hotel! I assume, if you're staying in Paris, you must be staying here. After all, it is the best!"

"We are staying here, actually. We were just about to sign in..."

"That's great! Here, come with me! Daddy! My two friends here need a room, did you two prebook?"

"Yeah, um, it's under Chase."

"Excellent, I've found you. Chloé, darling, can you show them to their suite?"

"Of course, Daddy. Follow me!"

Demigods: In Paris (a Miraculous Ladybug and Percy Jackson crossover)Where stories live. Discover now