1 It Was Aliens

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"Say cheese!" Mrs. Weasley yelled to us all as we stood in front of the camera. This was our eighth try at trying to take a decent photo, but each time someone would move, or forget to smile, or make a silly face.

I stood next to Ron with one arm around his neck and he had one around my waist. George stood on the other side of me leaning on me, Fred stood behind me with his chest to my back, and Bella posed with Ginny was in front.

"Cheese!" We all say in unison. The camera flashed and we all immediately moved away from one another in disgust. We've been in Egypt all Summer visiting Bill. Because if this all the kids had to share a room together and it was safe to say we were sick of each other.

Everyone has grown so much over the summer especially Ron. He was now taller than me, and the twins had gotten even taller as well if that was possible.

"It's so hot," I groaned wiping the sweat from my face. The sun was beating down heavily and I had to use my hand to block it from my eyes. I squinted looking up at the pyramid.

"This was definitely made by wizards," Ron says leaning his elbow on my head.

I scoffed. "Don't be ridiculous Ron. It was aliens."

"Here we go again," he rolls his eyes. "You and your conspiracies."

I shoved his arm off my head and he nearly falls over. "You are just boring and lack any imagination."

"Boring!? You're the one that's done nothing but read this whole summer! You haven't even done any pranks with Fred or George."

"So?" This entire summer I've been avoiding both Fred and George, well avoiding being alone with them. The thing with being a teenage girl was that whether you liked it or not you developed crushes and right now I had a crush on Fred and George. I even liked Ron for a whole week, so I've been putting all my romantic energy into books. I honestly don't know what's worse at this point. Being in love with five fictional men or two brothers.

"So? It would be nice if you spent some time with us."

"We literally have been stuck in the same room with each other for weeks Ronald. If anything I've spent too much time with you guys."

"Do you hear that Freddy?" George said coming to my left side. "She's sick of us."

Fred shows up on my right and puts an arm around my shoulder pulling me into his chest. "Impossible. She loves us too much."

"Let me go!" I yell shoving him to the side.

"Never last time you were out of our sight you were almost murdered."

"Sadly I wasn't," I muttered.

"What was that?" George asked.


"Come on guys give her some space," Bella said coming to my rescue. She pulls me away from Fred and wiggled her fingers at the boys. "Back! Back I say!"

Ginny and I giggled as Ron, Fred, and George glared down at her.

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Fred said to the two boys. They smirked at one another then Fred lunged for Bella to pick her up. Bella squealed and kicked as Fred threw her little body over his shoulder.

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