wgm: stress pt.1

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disagreements between ryun and jihoon were few and far between

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disagreements between ryun and jihoon were few and far between. since first moving into their wgm home together, things had been essentially prefect. both of them were already friends and were comfortable with each other. they already had great chemistry and communicated well, and on the things they didn't agree on they'd been able to reach a compromise easily.

that being said, usually the pair weren't as sleep deprived or overflowing with stress as they had become over the past two weeks. jihoon in particular, being one of main source of seventeen's music, had begun to feel the weight of their success heavier than usual on his shoulders. not only that but between trying to keep up with events with his members and the filming schedule for the show, his stress was at an all time high.

ryun's patience and stress tolerance levels were also at an all time low as she'd suddenly began to feel homesick on top of already feeling agitated with jihoon's constant mood swings because of his lack of sleep. she understood how he felt as she'd also been sleeping less due to being worried about the release of her fourth mini album being canceled because of rumors (that turned into scandals) she'd found herself caught in.

over the last two weeks the usually great communication between the pair had deteriorated. they'd began to blow up at each other over anything and it started to bleed over into their chemistry on the show.

"what the do mean you don't owe me an explanation?!" exclaimed ryun as she followed jihoon into their bedroom.

it was nearly four a.m and he's just gotten home from pledis. because there relationship had been so volatile recently he opted to spend his freetime away from ryun and chose to work either from pledis or at the seventeen dorms. normally he'd had the decency to at least tell her he was leaving but this time he'd just took off after their filming schedule ended and while ryun had gone to the market to get stuff for dinner without a word.

of course when she'd gotten home only to find him completely gone she immediately began to worry and nearly had a heart attack before calling his manager who confirmed his whereabouts, this causing her worry to quickly dissipate into anger. she would have called him to blow up but since he didn't answer her calls anymore, she couldn't, and would have to wait until he got home. as good as the waiting should have done, instead all it did was intensify it the more as she sat musing over her thoughts and thinking of the things he'd done that'd set her off.

"i mean exactly that. your not my parent, seungcheol hyung, or manager. i don't owe you an explanation." he said over his shoulder, not bothering to stop or turn to look at her.

"the fuck you don't!" she growled, pushing past him to block his path. "do you know how worried i was about you?! i had to call your manager to find out where you were instead to you just telling me! how could you just fucking leave while i'm at the store without at least leaving a note, a text, hell even a voicemail!?" she yelled, jabbing a finger into chest.

she wasn't angry that'd he'd chose to leave all night and comeback at dawn, she'd expected that, but what she didn't expect is that he'd not tell her. even if they weren't exactly on good terms right now, she felt it didn't excuse him from not telling her where he was going and just up and leaving. and most importantly it didn't excuse that now he was angry at her for being mad at him because he'd made her worry about him because he was being a selfish idiot.

sighing tiredly, jihoon attempted to gently move ryun but she shoved him back, "move noona, i'm tired and need a shower. nag me tomorrow." any other time he could simply tune ryun's incessant nagging out but tonight just wasn't the night. all he honestly wanted was have a nice hot shower and some shut eye.

"noona please, i'm too tired to argue with you. just let me shower and i'll sleep on the couch." she could hear the exhaustion in his voice and the dark circles around his eyes made him look even worse. his eyes were slightly droopy and dull, and it would have worried her if she weren't so pissed at him.

"no!" she said angrily, "you've been "tired" for the last two weeks but that hasn't stopped you from picking a fight with me or running away to hide at your company all night. if you can do all that and be "tired" then you can stand here and listen to me and be "tired."

she paused a second to collect her thoughts before breathing out calmly, "we're both stressed out jihoon, i get that, you get that. and we've been fighting a lot recently, i understand why you would want get away, but we can't keep doing this. you can't keep running away forever and i can't keep nagging you forever—"

"if you didn't act so goddamn crazy all the time then i wouldn't want to leave! you get angry and overwhelmed and it becomes everybody else's problem!" he suddenly snapped, shocking her into silence and causing a pang to go through her heart.

"you say you understand how i feel yet you do nothing but pick fights all week and then get angry when i leave because i don't want to drag anything out. in reality you don't understand shit! if you really did then you wouldn't act so selfish and take out all your stress on me!" he yelled.

"i'm selfish!? i'm selfish?! you act like i'm the only person who's been in a pissy mood. your kidding yourself if you think i'm the only person who's been selfish, it takes two to tango buddy, and your not innocent here!" she screamed back, pushing down the hurt and letting her angry take over.

"your such a fucking hypocrite! you've been taking your out stress on me just as much as i have on you!" she was so angry she didn't realize how ridiculous their argument had been reduced too.

"oh so now i'm the villian." he retaliated sarcastically, "great, just fucking wonderful. let me guess next your going to scream about how much worse your emotional baggage is than mine, then you'll start crying, and then i'll feel bad and this whole thing will end with me apologizing. wrapping everything up in a nice pretty bow for noona to feel better about herself because it's always someone else's fault."

the pang she'd felt moments ago spread through her heart like poison at his words but she refused to give in and start crying like he said she would. instead she sneered and attempted to ignore the sting of tears gathering in her eyes.

"fuck you."

"fuck me. fuck me. no, fuck you! this fight started because you couldn't stop nagging for just one night. one night." he blew up in her face, "i ask for one night of peace because i don't have the energy to fight with you, i even offer to sleep on the couch to give you space, but no, you couldn't just leave things alone!"

he chuckled coldly when he saw her tears start to fall and her face morph into pain. "and would you look at that. she crying, she sits here, instigates a fight nobody wanted, and then had the nerve to cry because she got her feeling hu—"

she didn't even give him a chance to finish his sentence before she swiftly shoved past him and stormed out of the house, phone in hand and tears streaming down her cheeks. embarrassed, hurt, and extremely pissed off she preceeed to call the only people she knew would answer at four in the morning.


"can you come get me please?"

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