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This beach house is beautiful, especially with all these snow! Louis rented this whole place, no one is around here, it's just literally the two of us here. This must've cost him fortune!

Louis entered my room and I'm still laying on my bed. I'm too lazy to move! The flight and the driving was really tiring! All I wanna do is to sleep all daaaaaay.

He grinned at me then held my hand and pulled me up "Get your lazy ass off that bed"

"Give me three more hours! It's just 7 in the morning!" I said trying to pull my hand off him.

Louis then suddenly stopped and he joined me in bed, but he's above me. I can't breathe. Our faces are just inches away from each other.

My eyes widened and then I gulped. What the heck is he doing again??? Louis is now smirking at me crazily. "Hey, move. You're heavy" I said, trying to change the atmosphere around us.

Louis didn't move! Instead, he just leaned closer to me. Is he... trying to kiss me??? All I can do is close my eyes and wait for his lips to touch mine.

"Shit" I heard someone said and when I looked at who it might be, I saw the four boys at the door with their baggages... staring at us. I even saw Zayn elbowed Niall's arms secretly.

Louis is also staring at them, and then he rests his head beside mine. I heard his sigh and he went out of the bed with a huge smile on his face, and walk towards the other guys, who still aren't moving.

Louis opened his arms and said, "Great timing you, guys! I love you all as much as I love Kevin!" Then he hugged them, I saw the guys' faces and they're smiling awkwardly. Then Louis went out of my room.

I looked at the guys and wondering what the heck are they doing here??? I didn't see them in the plane awhile ago, and I'm pretty sure they weren't with us in the car!

"Why are you here? When did you arrive?" I asked them. They all grinned at me and Harry sat down beside me, Zayn on my other side, and Niall and Liam sat on the floor in front of me.

"Well, we just arrived and we also need some holiday vacation" Harry pouted and I just chuckled.

Niall put his arms on my lap and said "Louis told us to check the time before barging in. Didn't know we got here earlier than he expected" And they all laughed. I'm actually glad that the others are here also. It can lessen that awkwardness between me and Louis.

We decided to go to the skating rink because the boys want to take a skate there, of course! And I'm left here watching them acting and playing like idiots. I love those idiots.

After an hour of playing, Louis sat beside me. He's freezing!

"Tired?" I asked him and he nodded. I gave him a jacket and wore it, then he hugged me from behind. "Hey, what's the matter?"

"Nothing" he then placed his chin on my shoulder and stared at the boys.

We didn't talk for a while, we're just enjoying the moment until Louis talked again, "Maggie, can I ask you on a date later?"

What? A date? Damn.

"Is that a no?" He asked, I can hear sadness in his voice. He removed his head on my shoulder. Oh, Louis...

I faced him and gave him a warm smile "Of course I'll go on a date with you" I said and bit my lip.

"Yey! Dress up, okay?" He said and gave me a kiss on the forehead and ran to the rink again.

Where We Land (Louis Tomlinson // One Direction)Where stories live. Discover now