I kinda feel bad that I broke up with harmony. I didn't even have the balls to do it over the phone I did it over text. I still love her I miss her. Even though I've been dating cally it's not the same. I've thought of harmony everyday I don't know if she cares for me anymore but I do care for her.
How do I say this. Cally is hmmm uhhhh she's kinda clingy and sensitive. She always gets hurt by the guys jokes and she just makes me get mad at them. I feel like now whenever callys there when I'm hanging with the boys I just can't have fun she always has to cause a problem. I really want to break up with her
When I saw harmony was back in social media I was happy. She looks hotter then ever she had a glow up holy shit she's fire. The only time I talked to her was on my birthday a few days ago where she texted me happy birthday. When cally was on my phone and she saw the texts cally got angry she thought I was cheating on her. Well I didn't
I don't know if harmony still lives in Toronto or if she lives in la again. Bryce wants her to move here but cally kinda moved herself into harmony's room which nobody agreed on but she did it anyways. She threw out all of harmony's stuff. The boys saved it though and put it in boxes labeled harmony.
I was out for a while with the boys and I come back to see harmony's car gone. I stand there confused looking at the spot it was in but then Bryce puts his arm on my shoulder
"Emma took her car" Bryce says then walks inside
"Oh" I say frozen but then I feel cally cling onto me
"I missed you baby come one let's go to your room" cally says basically dragging me
We get to my room and I lay down on on my bed thinking until cally comes and she's making a tik tok but like kissing me all over not gonna lie I don't want this on the internet it looks like fucking porn
She posts it anyways I don't even want to look at it. She then jumps on top of me straddles me and starts giving me kisses all over nasty.
Harmony's POV
Me and Emma are watching greys anatomy on the tv in the living room. I'm getting tagged in this one tik tok and my phone keeps on dinging Emma makes me check it she says to do it so we could hear it stop now.
I go on my phone to see h ty at this was the tik tok I was tagged in
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Callynewton- I'm his baby he's my baby no one could break us apart 😘