Can we just talk

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"Hello" I answer the phone

"Ange- harmony good thing you answered can we please just talk I'm sorry about today I really am can we please just talk it out and handle this responsibly not on the internet and please can we just not fight I want to talk without yelling" jaden says

"First of all don't call me that second I don't want to talk to you we already talked and you were just being a jealous bitch" I hiss

"I'm not jealous" he says quickly

"Yes you are. Don't you have better things to do then being a dick. Go like fuck your girlfriend again" I say with no emotions at all

"Come on can we just talk"

"No I don't want to talk to you. I'll only talk if you talk to your girlfriend first she called me begging for me not to charge her and she wants to be my best friend now" I sigh and hang up

The boys all look at me confused and they turn the live off.

"Can we go out please please or else I'm gonna actually kill myself I can't stay here anymore I want to go do something" I beg them

"Ok fine we're gonna get food" Bryce finally says rolling his eyes

"Yessssss thank you bryceeeee I always knew you weren't that much of a bitch" I laugh hugging him

"I mean she's not wrong" griffin laughs

Few hours later

We're walking for a long time. The pain medicine is starting to wear off and I'm getting a headache now. I'm dragging my feet as I walk beside Bryce and griff. My eyes feel heavy but we still have a far way to walk. The sun is setting but my eyes hurt and I have my hands on my head

"You good harm" griff asks

"Eh I'm ok my head just hurts and I'm tired no big deal" I shrug

"Woooowwww and now your tired" ant laughs

"We're walking like you asked and now your tired" kio teases

"No my head hurts I'm not tired" I yawn still holding my head. Bryce motions me to get on his back for a piggy back ride because he knows I should be laying down sleeping but we're walking and we have half an hour of walking still to go back to the car.

While Bryce is carrying me I end up falling asleep with my head on his shoulder what a good brother

Bryces POV

"Wow and now she falls asleep" kio says making everyone laugh. Harmony's asleep and I'm giving her a piggyback ride

"How far are we" I ask "25 min walk still" ant says

We walk for another 5 minutes until we get stopped by fans and the hollywoodfix. Oh god no

"Heyyyy it's the sway boys what's up" fletcher says

"Hey man" we all say

"Who do you got there on your back Bryce it sure doesn't look like Addison" he says raising his eyebrows and watches us take pictures with fans

"Oh it's my sister" I shrug

"We'll wake her up we have questions for her" fletcher says and I don't know if he's joking or not so do the boys they just all look at each other

"Your joking right" kio laughs

"I mean....."

"Sorry no can do man maybe next time" josh says patting harmony on the back

"Anyways josh was harmony really speaking for all of you guys when she said that it's uncomfortable when Jaden and Kelly cally whatever her name is would 'eat each other'" fletcher asks and I hear the boys chuckle

"I mean kinda yeah it is gross but their dating so it's ok I guess" josh shrugs

"Also at the end of the tea talk what happened it ended with someone screaming and a loud bang what happened then" he asks. Wow he really wants answers

"Well nothing bad happened so it's fine" I shrug pulling harmony up because she was falling and that was the wrong move because of her head
"Shit" I whisper to myself

"Are you sure nothing happened because around the same time the tea talk was filmed we saw harmony throwing up in the trash" fletcher says following us as we walk

"She just throws up sometimes no big deal" griff says covering for her

"Oh ok so kio people have been speculating that you and Olivia broke up is that true we haven't seen you two together in a while" fletcher asks

"She went back home" kio says looking a little sad
I then hear a small mumble coming from harmony

"Ow What the fuck" she mumbles but it's really quiet

"Go back to sleep are you ok is your head hurting" I ask harmony but it's really quiet so you can't hear what I was saying

"Yeah my head hurts" she mumbles

"K we're gonna be home soon so just go to sleep" I say and I think she falls back to sleep

Harmony's POV

I woke up to being carried on someone's back. Ew it smells like Bryce. I hear people talking familiar voices sounding like the boys and another guy who I think is the Hollywoodfix guy. I hear Bryce talking to the Hollywood fix guy and I hear my name being said.

You can't see if my eyes are open or closed because of the sunglasses I'm forced to wear.

I turn my head to look behind us and I see a familiar face walking towards us but there's a guy covering her face. She looks really familiar I take a closer look as the walk closer their walking hand in hand fingers interlocked and they exchange kisses back and forth. I squint my eyes to see who it is you'll never guess who


She's cheating on Jaden no way. It looks exactly like her and the same cakey makeup face leaving kiss marks on the guys face. Once she sees us and the boys she hides into the guys chest. Let me tell you that doesn't look like Jaden at all

This guy has dirty blond hair. Looks around 6'3 with brown eyes. He's physically bigger then Jaden is. This guy has huge muscles I mean Jaden has muscles but not as big as this guys

She's a fucking cheater. As she passes by me I don't think she knows I'm awake but she knows that it's me and I hear her whisper "ugly bitch" As she walks past us

I don't think the boys heard due to them getting asked questions by paparazzi. I get snapped out of my thoughts by Bryce pulling me up because I was falling but it really hurt my head. I have a huge ass headache

"Ow what the fuck" I mumble and Bryce just asks if I'm ok and I just tell him my head hurts he said we're going to the car and to go back to sleep

We start to walk down the sidewalk but all I could think about is how callys a cheater.

That lying bitch



Ok sorry this took so long to make it took me a full day to write bc I was procrastinating and yeah no good

Next few chapters I got the ideas from Kstewart2021  tyyyyyy for the ideas go check out her books bc there really good ❤️❤️

Have a good day guyssss ✌️✌️

(if you haven't go check out Jaden new music video it's fire 🔥🔥)

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