The car is silent no ones talking i don't even know where I'm going. I know for a fact I'm not going back to mine and Emma's house
"Soooo are you just visiting or did you move here" Kio asks
"I moved back already" i answer quickly
"We miss you harmony it's just not the same here without you" josh says
"Well i missed you 2 too but sorry I'm not stepping foot in the sway house not if Jaden or Bryce are there plus doesn't Jaden have a new girlfriend" i say to them
"Yeah he does" Kio says looking down
"She's ok i guess" josh shrugs
"What do you mean. It looks like you guys are having fun and being happy i mean she did take my old room and kinda replaced me" i say laughing a little
"You think she replaced you" Kio says
"I mean yeah" i shrug
"No listen. She's mean callys mean. She's like possessive and sensitive you'll catch Jaden apologizing every 5 minutes it's so annoying we're only happy in the tik toks because she forces us to make them she's like mads but extreme" josh answers
"Oh well that's not good but if Jadens happy it's ok then right?" i sigh
"He seems like how he was before he met you blan no emotion" Kio says
"He was sad when he broke up with you he didn't want to" josh says
"He fucking broke up with me over text on Christmas Eve" i exclaimed
"I know we go,d him not to but he did it anyways and now we're here with cally the new girl" Kio sighs
"Well why didn't you just say you didn't like her" i ask
"We tried that and she started sobbing and shit Jaden got angry but not that angry she's so clingy it's weird" josh says
"Well since you guys wanted to come what do you want to do" i ask
"I don't know just drive paparazzi are gonna catch us if we go somewhere" josh says and i listen and just drive. They catch me up on all the new drama and couple stuff shit. I tell them how I'm gonna come back to social media and they told me i should.
My 2 favourite sway boy the ones who never told me that i need help
A few days later
I'm laying on my bed. Nobody knows I'm here yet except emma Kio and josh. I want to post a tik tok saying that I'm back because i am and that I'm better and improved so i change into a cute outfit and make a tik tok
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16.2mil❤️ 1.2mil💬
Captions- after being gone for so many months i don't even know how long I've been gone i have decided that I'm coming back to social media i just really needed that break to focus on myself and my mental health. Thank you to all the real ones who believed that what i was doing was the right thing you know who you are. Let me start over completely refresh so hi I'm Harmony hall. This is the new and improved me😁
User- yay the queens back
User- it's about time we missed you
Emmachamberlin- that's my bestie Harmonyrose^ and you know it 😘
Oliviarichardz- miss you babes 😘 Harmonyrose^ miss all you guys Liv
User- she saved us
User- i was about to delete the app but when i saw harmony's back i kept it
User- when did she get so hot
User- talk about glow up 🤩
User- this girl had a major glow up wtf
User- she glowed up fs
Nessabarrett- yayyyyyy Missed you bae Harmonyrose^ Missed you more 🥺
Brycehall- So your moving back to sway User^ LMAOOOOO notice how she didn't reply
Kiocyr- yassss go harm Harmonyrose^ mwah 😘
Joshrichards- happy Your back Harmonyrose^ me too
User- who are the real ones to be exact
User- ok she seems different
User- she hits different but in a good way i like it
User- she just got 10x hotter
User- Jayden hollister be like 👁💧👄💧👁
User- she's way better then cally
User- Stan harmony for clear skin
User- the queens back i repeat the queens back 👑👑👑
User- here i think you dropped this. 👑
User- she's so pretty now
user- wow the break really changed her
User- she hits different but I'm liking it
Jadenhossler- glad your happy 🙂 Harmonyrose^ glad your happy too
User- this is just the best
User- her fit is so nice
user- #bringjarmonyback2021
User- she saved us
Charlidamelio- yayyy Missed you Queen Harmonyrose^ Missed you too hottie 🥵
Larray- she's back i need to see her ASAP Jamescharles^ YESSSSS harmonyrose^ where and when Emmachamberlin^ count me in
User- her style is so nice Holy fawk
User- she's changed for the better
User- I'm happy you took the break good for you harmony we were always rooting for you 😁😁
User- is she just gonna leave her tweets unaddressed?!?! User^ sorry the old harmony can't come to the phone anymore....
User- she's hotter now
User- poor jaden stuck with Barbie
User- ain't it funny how Barbie comes along and gets together with Jaden and he dyes his hair blonde i- it's Barbie and ken LMFAOOOOO User^ but like how's that actually true 😂😂 User^ im pissing myself now LMAOOOO
User- this girl i- no
User- i didn't like her before but now. BUT NOW I'm all for her go harmony
User- #harmonysback
User- #harmonysback
User- #fbrycehall *liked my creator User^ oh my god i- User^^ sibling feud
Callynewton- I'd love to meet you soon 😆😁 User^ nooo not you User^ have you not gotten the hint that we don't like you User^ not you User^ if you come for harmony your basically over so i wouldn't try if i were you🤣 User^ she slime a callus on the bottom of my foot always annoying me 😘 User^ LMFAOOOOOOOO TRUEEE User^ just so you know luv harmony was better then you
Mads.yo- i know I've been rude in the past trying to tear y'all apart and blaming you for things that I've done and doing very rude things just to spit you two up I'm so sorry I'm trying a new thing where i apologize for my actions i don't know what was going through my mind but I'm happy that your back and happy harmony. Hope we can be mutual *liked my creator