I just finished texting harmony and I don't know why she's acting like that she's being a bitch for no reason I'm only trying to help. She needs help she needs to talk to someone but she just denies it she says she doesn't but everyone knows that she does
"What a bitch" I mumble. I tweet this directing to her because I know she won't respond because she's on a break
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It gets on tik tok room pretty quick not gonna lie. I'm by myself right now the boys aren't with me. Everyone's confused in the comments on what I tweeted and I know harmony's gonna see it so I just sit and wait.
Harmony's POV
What the hell im sitting in class scrolling though my phone and I come across a tiktokroom post about something bryce tweeted which was about me he just alled me a bitch. So I tweeted back
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Fist time I tweeted in months coming out of no where he didn't expect that neither did anyone else I find it on tik tok room not to long after
Liked by- brycehall, jadenhossler, kiocyr and 7 936 926 others
Tiktokroom- #harmonyhall speaks out for the first time against her brother is harmony done from her break and what does Bryce mean by calling harmony a b***h
User- wait harmony's back
User- ayyyy harmony's back
User- what does Bryce mean?
Brycehall- did not expect that.......
User- I- huh sibling fights
User- not harmony get that girl out
User- ugh harmony should've died Harmonyrose^ haha ikr
User- I'm confused is she back or not
User- she's so bad
User- not her again the home wrecker
User- hate her
I'm sorry this chapters short
I just have no idea what I'm writing at the moment
I don't want to stop updating this book and let you all down because I couldnt write it bc I have no ideas but I'll think about something in my big brain don't worry
So please leave ideas in the comments because I usually read the comments with ideas and I either use the idea or it sparks another idea