The suns shining right in my eyes making them burn. Josh is beside me with nessa cuddled into him and their sound asleep. I remember when me and harm used to do that I really miss is. UGH snap out of it jaden your dating cally stop
I look over at my phone blowing up. What could it be this time I groan. I hate this and all the drama why can't it just stop and everyone could be civil.
I click on the Instagram post that I've been tagged in
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Liked by- Emmachamberlain, avanigregg, Samanthapotter, and 1.4mil others
Tiktokroom- sent in! #jadenhossler girlfriend #cally is seen with another guy walking down the street is Jaden getting cheated on? Maybe #jarmonys back after seen talking to each other on live yesterday
(Comments are just canceling cally)
(Voice recording)
Liked by- 6.3 mil others
Tiktokroom- harmony seen beating up Bryce hall until she's told to lay down is harmony sick what's up with her we haven't seen her on socials for a bit
Brycehall- Please mind your business i was just trying to talk to my sister.
This can't be happening did cally cheat on me. It kinda makes sense though. Cally left pretty early today and she never texted me after. What if she's really cheating on me this can't be happening no way. Maybe she's not i should just call her
I get up out of my bed so i don't wake up josh and nessa and i go to the bathroom and lock it
Callys pov
Yes i am cheated on Jaden. I'm using him for clout he's giving me good publicity and i love the attention from everyone. I'm cheating on Jaden with this guy his names Preston he's real hot hotter then Jaden of course. I'm just gonna say that it's not me and i was going to pick up my cousin Samantha from the airport which I'm actually gonna go do she's staying with me for a month because her parents are letting her. I'm excited for her to come here because me and her are trouble together.
I'm at the air port now ready to get my cousin. Once i see her she puts the luggage in the trunk and gets into the passenger seat and gives me a big hug
"CALLLS" Sam screams closing the door pulling me into a very very tight hug
"Sammm i Missed you so much you ready to go" i ask and she nods
As I'm driving i get a call from Jaden it's probably because of the cheating rumours that are being spread ugh i hit answer right away and see Sam smirking at me
"Hey baby what's up" i say all bubbly
"Cally...... are the rumours true are you cheating on me" Jaden says sounding hurt
"No i would never baby that's not me that's a random person people just want us to split up but no i would never" i lie talking in a innocent voice
"Oh thank god i just wanted to make sure because that girl looked a lot like you. Well i gotta go love you tell your cousin i say hi and i can't wait to meet her" Jaden says sounding cheered up now
"Awwww ok call me later. Ummm by any chance is harmony coming over today i want to talk to her really bad i want to tell her I'm sorry" i say
"Umm i don't think so but I'll check maybe she is it depends" Jaden says in a blank tone
"Ok bye baby" i say then hang up the phone
"What a dumbass" i say and me and Sam just laugh
Jadens pov
Well that's a relief she didn't cheat on me. But that was really weird about how she asked about harmony and if she's coming over. I get ready and brush my teeth and stuff then get out of the bathroom to see josh and ness are still sleeping. I walk out of the room and go to the kitchen. Bryce is there so is Quinn and griff
"What's up" i say dapping them all up
"Sooo is it true did she cheat" Quinn asks
"No i called her she said she didn't but i think she's coming by with her cousin in a bit. By any chance is harmony coming over" i ask
"Why do you like her again" Bryce says looking up from his phone
"No but we made up and became friends again last nigh" i shrug and everyone looks shocked
"You joking right" griff says
"No im not we're friends aging" i shrug
"Ok I'll call her" Bryce says and he calls harmony "Hey Harm how ya feelin?...... well that's good do you wanna come to sway today and chill i think the girls are here still....... I'll pick you up...... please I'm bored......... be there in half an hour be ready love you bye"
"She's coming over but i have to pick her up" Bryce sits back in his seat
"Ok thanks" i sit down beside griff and eat some cereal and relax now. Dramas over at least i know the real truth
Who's excited for next chapter bc i know i am lmaooo
This is great love it. Jk I'm being lazy and not writing it's late and i gotta sleep but I'm not going too