Tiktokroom- #joshRichards teases new tea talk blurring who's gonna be on the video but posted this on his story saying that it's gonna be an interesting one. Who do you think is gonna be on the tea talk?
User- should I be excited or scared User^ sameee
User- I think I know who
User- I guess we know there's 6 people
User- I'm scared
User- I feel the tea is aabout to be spilt
User- I got a bad feeling about this one Kiocyr^ as you should 😁 User^ this is gonna be bad what does kio mean
Nessabarrett- josh don't post it I told you not to!! JoshRichards^ she said I could User^ ???? Nessa in the tea talk????
User- this is gonna be bad
Brycehall- wonder what happened 🤔 Callynewton^ same here 🤔 Avanigregg^ stfu Kelly
Harmonyrose- .... 😁👍 excited for this one guys
User- uh oh guys
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Tiktokroom- comments made by sway members questioning the video saying not to post it
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Tiktokroom- josh Richards new tea talk with Jaden harmony cally Bryce kio and josh got heated. Harmony going back and froth with Jaden and cally. Cally being extremely disrespectful to harmony making comments about her and her body. Also cally and Jaden doing pda during the tea talk. Tea talk DIDNT end well camera cut before things went bad
User- no way
User- callys a body shamer
User- that's messed up
User- I knew something bad was gonna happen
Joshrichards- 😁
Brycehall- it's the disrespect for me ✌️
Charlidamelio- I do not personally know cally but please don't say things about me when you don't know what's actually going on 😁😁 User^ oh shi-
User- harmony looked so uncomfortable
User- harmony's fuming
User- cally being a snarky bitch
User- no no
User- did they fight??!??!? We need to knowwww
Harmonyrose- LMAOOOOOO this tea talk caused more problems. I just wanted to eat but I guess not ahhaha Callynewton^ as I said you don't need it 😁 Harmonyrose- thanks for the advice love you the most 😁 User- BAHHA