Harmony's POV

It's been a few days since I've gotten here. I just listen to music with Jaden they whole day and I talk to him. He uses text to speech to talk for now because his voice doesn't want to work right now which is completely understandable

It's weird though he hasn't seen me in months and I haven't seen him and now we're just hanging out

"Am I small" jaden types

"You want the truth or the lie" I ask

"Truth" he types

"Well right now yea. You've been laying down for 6 months of course your gonna lose weight. Not trying to be rude or anything but yeah sorry about that bud" I chuckle and he just sighs

"Oh umm I shouldn't have laughed... don't worry Jaden you'll be back to normal dinner or later don't worry  I know drug addictions hard to recover from" I say and he sighs. Oops I fucked up

"You never said where you went for those months. What happened" jaden types

"Good question actually. Well the day you went to the hospital was my birthday and I left too. But I didn't know what happened to you until I came back which was 2 weeks ago. I know this might sound crazy but it actually happened. So I was on a plane because I had no legal guardian anymore, Bryce couldn't tell me what to do anymore because I'm an adult now so I bought a plane ticked to the uk. I met Harry styles grandma Jules on the way there and she let me stay with them for a while. Well the whole time I was there which was very nice of them. I'm close with Harry now he's really funny. The. I came back here 2 weeks ago. I didn't talk to any of the boys or anyone at all I've the months. I just went missing you know. Like I was gone gone I left notes to everyone and I made one for you too but like yeah. They found them eventually after looking in my room because I hid the. For them to find and they found them. I only came back because jules thought it was a good idea and Harry was already coming back to al so I went with him. I came back and I found out about you and they we're actually here in the hospital visiting you when I went to sway for the first time. Addison was there though. Then we came here and just sat in silence" I explain and he listens

We stay in the silence for a little until Jadens family walks in

"Oh my god harmony how nice it is to see youu" Amy says hugging me

"My baby boy I'm so happy your awake" she says hugging him and the rest of them join in

"Umm I'll go and leave you guys to some family bonding time" I smile lightly

"You can stay if you want to" John says

"Oh no it's fine I'll go. Have fun you guys" I say waving and leaving the room. I sigh as I walk out of the room

I hate seeing people so close with their families it makes me sad. My sad life with a broken family only having my older brother to be there with me. I hate seeing other people with their families because it makes me jealous. I've always wanted a family like that but I never got that

I drive back to sway to hangout with some of the boys but mostly just talk to Bryce because he's the only one who could understand what I'm talking about

I walk into sway to see everyone hanging out in the living room except Bryce

"Hi guys" I sigh waving at them

"Yooo harm" they all say hugging me

"Have you guys seen Bryce?" I ask

"Uhh he's In his room I think with addison maybe their hanging out or something" griffin says

Fix me (sequel to broken promises)Where stories live. Discover now