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Harmony's POV

"Wake up harm wake up" Harry says shaking me and I squirm in my seat

"Are we here" I ask in a groggy voice

"Mmhm yup we're here come on get up" Harry says and I start gettin up

We get of the plane and get our luggage and get into a black suv where they were driving us somewhere. Their driving me to sway and Harry to his house here in la

At sway house

"Here you go harm. Good luck and have a good day I'll see you soon maybe we can get lunch before I go back home" he says giving me a hug

"Thank you for everything Harry my bestie" I joke

"No problem good luck see you later" he says hugging me and I hug him back.

"Bye bye" I wave and roll my suitcases to the door. Harry drives off and I'm standing infront of the door

I knock on the door and a few seconds after Addison answers the door and she looks shocked

"ADDIII" I ye all pulling her into a great big hug

"Oh my god harmony!! Where have you been and why the hell do you have an accent" addi says hugging me back

"Oh my god it's a very long story" I laugh

"We'll come in the boys aren't here I was here alone" she says and I walk in I leave my suitcases at the door and this place brings back memories

We walk to the kitchen and sit at the counter and start talking

"So where have you been" she asks

"Well. So basically after vinnie cheated on me I was sad I had dark thoughts and the only solution I had was to run away. So I did. I ran away to Cheshire England. And you won't believe who I met on the plane ride. I met Julia ambers Harry styles granny. So basically she let me live with her for a few months she helped me and convinced me to come back here. I got really close with Harry he's so nice I guess I picked up an accent from being there. Also I got into music and some other stuff" I shrug laughing


"Yes I did it was so much fun but I missed you guys so much" I exclaim

"Why didn't you call we tried calling you like 10 times a day" she says

"I know I know I took a phone cleanse I didn't go on my phone for the longest time. I enjoyed my time there" I shrug

"Can you make a tik tok with me pleaseeeeee" addi begs

"Sure I guess" I chuckle

"Ok I'm gonna post it so come on dance" she sets up her phone and presses record


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Addisonrae- guysss this mfs back and I saw her first haha Bryce



User- no wayyyyy she's back and she looks different

User- harmony I- she hot

User- I didn't even recognize her

Brycehall- WTF- no no bring her to where we are now idc we need to have a talk to her

Joshrichards- no wayyy


User- oh my

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