Are you good

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Bryce's pov

I was sleeping when i heard the front door open. I see standing there harmony looking distracted and high oh no. Kio and Emma are awake now too

"Harmony where the fuck have you been we were worried about you why didn't you answer your phone" i say but no answer "are you ok" i ask reaching my arm out but she takes a quick step back and nods then runs to her room. Some of the boys start to wake up

"What the fuck it's so early why are you making noise" josh says waking up

"Harmony she's back" Emma says in shocked and everyone is up now

"Well is she ok" griff asked and Emma shakes her head no. She looked fucking high I don't understand

"Did she look ok" jaden says looking and sounding worried

"No" is what Emma says "well is someone gonna go and talk to her" ant says "no leave her alone for a bit try talking to her in an hour she's probably gonna sleep" I say and we all sit back on the couch

Harmony's POV

I'm scared traumatized frightened I'm fucking scared. I feel like I'm slowly sinking. I feel like everything's fake and this isn't real I can't hear everything's muffled and distorted I can't think. I keep on reseeing what happened and I could only see Dustin and Brady's face and it's ducking scary

I'm staring at the ground there's no way I'm going to sleep and seeing them again.

One hour later

I don't get it out of my fucking head. I'm so stupid for letting him do that to me. My body hurts my mind hurts everything's hurting. I'm disgusted with myself I'd pretty much rather die then keep on think about any of this. I can't move it's like I'm stuck in one spot falling.

They know where I live I could be taken and kidnapped at anytime again. I'm scared.

I see someone standing infront of me I didn't even see them enter the room didn't hear them. It makes me jump because I was startled and I it in the middle of the bed. I don't know who the person in my room is but it's scary. I look to see Emma with a worried expression on her face

She's talking but I can't hear her I hear mumbles that's it. I can't concentrate enough to hear what she's saying

Emma's POV

"Fuck it I'm gonna talk to her" I say before walking upstairs and no one stops me

When I get to harmony's room she's sitting there staring at the ground she looks pale. I stand infront of her and she jumps back she looks scared

"Harmony are you ok. What's wrong what happened where did you go" I ask but there's no answer. I don't want to push her to answer the questions but I want answers I was worried about her. She looks unfocused and scared. She's shaking a little

"Harmony whatever happened to you I don't know what happened but it's gonna get better don't worry" I say trying to make her feel better but she still doesn't answer. I leave the room with many questions in my head I don't know what the fuck happened to her for her to act like this.

I walk downstairs confused on what just happened

"What happened is she ok" Bryce asks and I shake my head no "what do you mean no" Bryce says worried " I don't know ok she won't talk" I say frustrated

Few hours later

Everyone's tried talking to harmony but it's all the same nothing said by her. Something bad definitely happened to her. Everyone's frustrated and confused and worried Harmony never acts like this like it's not even good

Jadens POV

I'm worried about Harmony you know. I want her to be ok. I love her still I don't know if she still loves me I was still pretty confused from when we talked a few weeks ago. She looked scared everyone's tried to talk to her but she won't answer. I'm not gonna stop until I find out what's wrong

"I'm gonna talk to her again" I say to the boys and Emma

"Jaden come on just wait she's not gonna say anything" josh sighs

"I'm not gonna stop asking her until she answers" I plead "just leave her alone" griff says "no I'm not gonna leave her alone I care about her" I semi yell

"We care about her too jaden just leave her alone and calm down" Bryce says

"No im gonna talk to her. I don't want to lose her I fucking love her ok so don't tell me to calm down or leave her alone" I say before storming up the stairs

I get to harmony's room and she's right where she was before DIDNT even move

"Harmony" no answer "Harmony" no answer I sit down on the bed with her and she moves back. She starts to back up but she hits the head board and stops moving and just looks down

"Angel" I say and she looks up a bit


I mean it worked?

Ok I know that this is a little weird but like yeah not really. Idk what's up with me tbh I was on a ft call and my friend told me I look high.....

Anyways let's not talk about that

Have a good day I'll update maybe later if I finish the chapter


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