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Bryces POV - 4 months later

Ever since Harmony left things have been a little different. First of all josh and ness broke up. But their still friends it just wasn't their time. Jaden got a new girlfriend.......

He was sad at first when Harmony left without saying bye everyone was sad. But he got over it pretty quick she's like cally 2.0 her name is Tayler. She's a clingy annoying rude two faced bitch. The boys don't like her but Jaden seems happy ish so its fine I guess

NEW CHARACTER (played by Loren gray)

tayler salfore19Jadens new girlfriend Annoying clingy

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tayler salfore
Jadens new girlfriend
Annoying clingy

Everyone's sad Harmony left the girls miss her so much and so do the boys. We stopped talking about her because we missed her and that was a soft topic. The fans don't know where she's been but I'm picking her up today

Ok so Tayler might've stolen harmony's room. We tried to stop her but she didn't care. She also took all of harmony's clothes and belongings. But while Tayler was gone me josh kio and ant took some things for Harmony to keep like all her precious belongings and some clothes. I know for a fact harms gonna be pissed

Me josh and Emma are driving to pick her up now. I brought josh and Emma because Emma's harms best friend and josh is like her brother too. And josh is gonna break the jaden news to her. Also we're surprising harm with Olivia Josh's sister who's moving in with her and Emma into a new apartment together. Emma and Olivia have gotten close they lived together for like a month and a half they both bought it together

We all haven't seen her in the whole 4 months where she was staying was very advanced no visitors no phone no internet no nothing.

"Well come on guys let's go we're here" I say and we walk to the place

Harmony's POV

Past few months have been rough. But it did help me a lot. Am a lot happier now less mood swings I've developed anger issues though not good I know. I take 3 different pills everyday for me to help me stay calm during the day and stuff.

Today I get to leave this hell hole. It's helped me a lot but I hate it here. I haven't seen any of my friends in so long. Haven't seen Jaden or Emma or Bryce. No visitors allowed just focus on myself and getting help

"Miss hall your brothers here to pick you up do you have all your things like your clothes and stuff" the nurse says

"Yup I'm ready to get out" I say standing up. They already gave my meds to Bryce so I'll be good I can't wait to see everyone

I walk to the front to see Bryce and josh waiting for me there. I run up to them and hug them both

"Harm we missed you so much" Bryce says as I hug josh and Bryce

"Missed you shit heads too" I say and they just laugh

"Miss hall your ready to leave make sure you follow the stuff on the papers and remember all the progress you've made and don't lose it. Have a good life harmony" the nurse says

"LETS GO GUYS IM OUT BITCHES" I yell but get shushed by nurses but I don't give a fuck. Josh and Bryce just laugh and I put my arms both of them and walk out

"Your definitely bryces sister" josh laughs

We walk to the car and Bryce hands me my phone and my wallet and car keys. I was expecting Jaden to come but I guess not. I couldn't believe who I saw waiting outside the car

Olivia Richards

"LIV EMMA" I scream hugging them both

"We missed you so much harm how you doin" liv asks

"I'm good I'm good happy now" I smile sitting in the car

"So guess what" Emma says "what"
"Your moving in with me and liv to our apartment near sway" Emma says and I start freaking ou

"No fucking way" "yes you are" liv laughs and I start cheering

"Harm we need to talk" josh says

"Wait I need to post on Instagram" I say and they listen


Liked by- jadenhossler, addisonrae, oliviarichardz, and 18 037 916 others

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Liked by- jadenhossler, addisonrae, oliviarichardz, and 18 037 916 others

Harmonyhall- hey guys I'm back. Ok I actually have a valid reason why I've been gone for so long so please read the rest

Ok so for years I've struggled with my mental health I've never been fully happy in a while. I've tried to take my own life a couple of times in the past from being unhappy. After trying to take my own life a couple of months ago I was in the hospital for a few days in a coma but I came out fine. Few days after I got out of the hospital I tried doing it again but luckily was found before I did. My loving brother Bryce hall thought it would be a good idea for me to go to see a therapist and which I did and which it was a good idea. I was diagnosed with mild depression mild anxiety ptsd and bpd (borderline personality disorder) I was then sent to a hospital to get better and stronger which I did. I'm back now and I'm happy and better I'm back for good this time I promise. I'm not asking for sympathy pitty or people to feel bad for me I just wanted to tell you guys that I'm back. Just know that your not alone my dms are always open if you guys need help I just want to spread awareness for mental health.

Have a good day guys❤️

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"Harmony we need to talk now before we get home" josh says

"What's wrong" I say worried

"Ok so don't get mad but Jaden he umm he got a new girlfriend" josh says and my whole mood changes.  he got a new girlfriend

"What do you mean" I say confused

"He got a new girlfriend. She umm took your room and your stuff we tried to stop her but she didn't" josh says and I stay silent

"She's a bitch" liv blurts out. But I just feel like everything's numb again fuck no

I was thinking to myself I can't wait to see Jaden when I get out. But no he's moved on he fucking lied I regret everything


He moved on so quick i want to kill him 🔪🔪

Have a good day guys hope you liked the chapter

How are you liking to book so far on a scale from 1-10. 10 being good 1 being bad

Ok bye 🔪😪💗

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