Chapter 17

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I moved a bit closer to see what it was.

The closer I got the more I could make out the figure.

'It's probably just the guys messing with me.' I thought to myself.

"Okay you got me! You can come out now!" I yelled it them.

No answer.

"Guys it's not funny stop it!" I yelled and walked closer to them.

I got about 5 feet from where the eyes are when I realized it wasn't the boys.

I stood frozen where I was standing. I was face to face with a big black bear.

I tried to scream out for help, but I couldn't get the words out. I felt like all the air had left my lungs.

After a minute I finally gathered enough courage to move backwards. Carefully I stepped my foot backwards. I took every step as slow as I could hoping that the bear would just leave me alone.


I stepped right onto a stick. I froze and healed my breath.

The bear started to grunt loud and stand up on its high legs.

That's when I knew what was about to happen.

                      Corbyn's point of view

I am laying in the tent waiting for Chloe to come back. It had been a pretty long time since she had gone. I decided to go look for her. I slipped on my shoes and walked back to where we were watching the stars.

I got all the way to the spot and didn't see her anywhere.

'Maybe I missed her and she is back at camp.' I thought to myself.

As I turned around to go back, a light shining through the trees caught my attention.

I walked over and saw it was a flashlight laying on the ground. Next to the light Chole's pillow was laying there.

Panic started to grow in me as I frantically looked for her.

"Chloe! Where are you!" I yelled over and over again.

I shined the light all over the area until I saw her laying by a bush.

I ran over to her as fast as I could.

I dropped on the ground next to her and saw she has cuts all over her face. I put my face by hers to see if she was still breathing.

I let out out a sigh of relief as I felt her warm breath on my face. It was slow but still there. My hands were shaking as I checked her for any other injuries. Her right arm is badly cut all the way to her hand.

"Chloe wake up! Come on stay with me!" I yelled and tried shaking her.

My heart stopped when I took my hands off of her stomach. I felt warm sticky blood all over them. So I carefully lifted up her shirt and saw a huge claw mark deep into her stomach.

"I'm going to pick you up and we are going to get you help." I said to her.

I kissed her head and carefully picked her up. As soon as I picked her up she winced in pain.

"I'm sorry baby." I said to her and started running back to camp.

"Help! Guys come help!" I yelled as I got closer to camp.

                      Jonah's point of view

"Help! Guys come help!" Someone yelling woke me up.

"Daniel get up!" I yelled to him.

We ran outside and saw Corbyn running to us while holding Chloe.

"What happened?" I asked while running to him.

"Ummm..she.. got..hurt." He tried to talk but couldn't get the words out.

"Hey it's okay. Let's get her to the hospital." I said and we all ran to the van.

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