Chapter 24

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I decided I am going to leave and live on my own. Because I will only be a burden on everyone. Everything will be okay once I can't bother everyone, including Corbyn. Even if it is going to be really hard I don't want him to mess up his future because of me.

I grabbed my bags and headed to the front desk. I am able to walk fine by myself, I only struggle with it when I get tried.

"Excuse me?" I said to the lady behind the desk.

"Oh hello dear how can I help you?" She asked sweetly.

"My name is Chloe and I was in room 5. I am scheduled to leave in the morning, but I was wondering if I could leave right now because I feel fine." I asked faking a smile.

"Let me go ask. You can take a seat over there honey." She gestured to the chairs.

After about 15 minutes of waiting the nurse comes back with the doctor.

"Hello Chloe. So you want to go home today, am I correct?" He asked looking at my chart.

"Yes Sir." I said faking an smile once again.

"And you are sure you feel will enough?" He asked with a concern look on his face.

"Yes I feel perfectly fine, I don't see the need to stay another night here." I answered.

"Well okay then, you have the okay from me. Would you like me us to contact the young men that come see you?" He asked.

My heart stopped. "No thank you, I will call them myself." I said lying as best I can.

"Okay then, have a same travel home and good luck." He said shaking my good hand.

I signed my release papers fast so I could be out the door as fast as possible. I didn't want the guys to find out I was leaving. And they will be coming back soon for dinner.

I called a taxi when I was inside and by the time I was walking outside it was there.

'Yay I am almost free.' I thought to myself as I got inside.

"Where to lady?" The driver asked.

That's when it hit me I don't know where to go. I can't go home because that's is where they will look first. Then I hit me.
"Could you talk me to..."

Corbyn's point of view

I got to the hotel room with the guys and started packing up all my stuff.

"Hey man, what are you doing here? I thought you were helping Chloe pack?" Zach says and sits on my bed.

"I finished helping her, so she told me to come finish up my stuff." I answered.

The guys and I talked about all kinds of things for a little while. It was nice, it reminded me of how things use to be. Then I realized how much I wished Chloe was here.

"I'm hungry when are we going to eat?!" Jack yells and throws himself on the bed.

"We can go pick up some food and take it to the hospital and eat with Chloe." Jonah says.

"Can we get Taco Bell?" Daniel asked.

"Yeah that sounds fine, let me ask is Chloe wants anything." I said and texted her.

Chloe's point of view

I am sitting in the back seat of the taxi when I got a text. I didn't answer and received another.

                                         Corbyn's point of view

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Corbyn's point of view

"Hey man, did she say anything?" Jack asked as we walked to the car.

"No she's not answering." I said trying to hide my concern.

"Maybe she is sleeping or her phone died or she is talking to the doctors." Daniel suggests.

"Yeah Corbyn don't worry about it, we can just get her a drink amd frys and we will be there soon." Jonah says to me.

Maybe they are right, I shouldn't worry so much, everything's fine.

    At the hospital

I walked into Chloe room with the food we got her.

"Hey sweetie, why didn't you answer your phone?" I asked.

That's when I realized only the nurse was in the room.

"I'm sorry but where is the young lady that was staying here?" I asked her.

"She left..."

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