Chapter 18

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                  Still Jonah's point of view

All or us piled into the van, we will come back later to get our camp cleaned up. Chole is more important than anything we have at camp. I started driving to the hospital, out of the corner of my eye I could see Chole laying down on the seat with her head on Corbyn's lap.

The pain in Corbyn's eyes makes me drive even faster. He looks like his whole world was falling apart and he can't do anything about it.

The car ride was quite except for the sound of Corbyn crying off and on and Chole making small sounds when we would drive over a bump or turn to fast.

We got to the hospital and ran inside.

"Someone help she's hurt!" Corbyn yells as he runs through the doors.

A nurse runs up to us with a stretcher. Corbyn lays her down, as the doctors are wheeling her away, Corbyn won't leave her side. The nurse looks at us for help. Daniel and I run up to Corbyn and hold him back.

                        Corbyn's point of view

I laid Chole down on the stretcher she looks so lifeless and pale laying like that.

I couldn't even bear the thought of leaving her side, so I followed the doctors until a nurse stops me.

"Sweetheart you have to stay here. We will take good care of her." She says in a kind voice.

But I didn't listen, I need to be with her. I tried to fight to get to Chole again. But the next thing I know two strong arms are holding me back.
I turn to look and see Daniel and Jonah holding me.

"Stop I need to be with her!" I cried out, still fighting them.

"They are going to save her, if you are there they can't focus on her. If you want to see her again you need to stay here and let them do their jobs. I know how much you love her but you need to stay." Daniel says to me.

I stop fighting them and watch Chole being pushed down the hall and into another room. I have a sick feeling that I will never see her again.

I drop my head in defeat, they slowly let go of my arms.

                          Three hours later

Chole is still in surgery, the nurse as talked to us a couple times. She said that the doctors have stopped the bleeding on her chest. Her hand is badly cut but they are doing everything they can do to fix her.

As ever minute passed my heart beats faster and faster. I can't stop thinking about if I will ever see her again. I can feel my hands starting to get sweaty and it is getting harder to breath.

"I'm gonna go get some air." I said standing up.

Zach and Jack nodded their heads, Daniel and Jonah went back to camp to pack everything up. They said they would stay here with me but I told them to just go because we will be here a while.

I walked outside and the cool air made me feel a bit better.

As I stood outside I started thinking about how all of this is my fault. I let her go into the woods all by herself. I had a feeling to go with her but I didn't. If I would have just listened to myself then she wouldn't be in so much pain and I would be able to hold her and tell her I love her.

My legs get weak and my head started spinning. I sat on a bench to calm down. As I sat there tears started to fall down my face.

" I can't do this anymore!" I yelled and started running my fingers through my hair. The tears falling even more.

While I was sitting outside Daniel and Jonah came back.

They walk over to me and sit down, "Heard anything yet?" Jonah asked me.

I took a deep breath then answered him, "The nurse said they stopped the bleeding but her arm is badly hurt, so they are still trying to fix it." I let out more tears.

"I know what you are thinking but this isn't your fault. You need to know that." Daniel says to me.

Before I had the chance to say anything Jack runs out to us.

"Guys it's Chole come quick!" He yelled.

I jumped up and followed him inside...

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