Chapter 21

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I have been in the hospital for about 2 days now. The amount for time the band had off is almost over so I told the guys that they can leave but they all wanted to stay here with me. I have no words to explain how lucky I am to have them in my life. 

Corbyn and the guys have been practicing and writing some new songs while we have been here.

Right now it is just Corbyn and I in my room because the guys went to go get food.

"You could have gone with them, I'm fine right here." I said to Corbyn and held his hand.

"There is no way I am leaving you here alone when you are getting such improved news." He kissed the top of my hand.

Then I remembered today is the day I find out if my hand is healed.

                             1 hour later

I heard a knock on the door and the doctor came in.

"How are you feeling today Chloe?" He asked.

"I'm good just nervous to see if everything is working." I say honestly.

Corbyn gives me a reassuring look and mouths 'It will be fine."

His words make me feel a little bit better.

"Well let's have a look and see how it's going." The doctor walks over and picks up my hand. He bends it and moves it all around.

"Okay can you try to move you fingers now?" He asks me.

I nod and try to move them, but they didn't move. No matter how hard I tried they just sat there.

"I'm trying, I'm sorry nothing is happening." I say in a sad tone.

"It's okay Chloe you can keep trying later." Corbyn says and kissed my forehead.

"I would actually like to have you get an X-ray and see if anything is wrong." The doctor says and calls for a nurse to schedule one.

Then he turns back to us, "While you wait you can try to start walking if you feel up for it." Then he left.

"Do you want to try?" Corbyn asks me.

I nod my head and moved the blankets off. Corbyn helps me get my feet to the ground and puts his arm under mine.

"Please don't let me fall." I said laughing.

"Of course not." Corbyn kissed the side of my head and helped me take the first step.

"See you got it." Corbyn says as I walk a couple steps with his help of course.

"Okay I think I need to sit down, but could I sit in the chair?" I asked.

"Yeah." He answered and he helped sit down.

"I'm so proud of you!" He kissed me again but this time on the lips.

A couple minutes later a nurse walked in with a wheelchair to take me to the X-ray. I kissed Corbyn goodbye and was wheeled to the other room.

                              After X-ray
                     Corbyn's point of view

Chloe finished and came back to the room. She fell asleep quite fast because of all the works she did today.

The guys all came back from lunch and brought me some food. Chloe eats hospital food still but I asked the guys to get her a large fry to surprise her.

"How did she do today?" Jonah whispered to me.

"She tried walking today and did great." All the guys smiled. "But she still can't move her hand." And just like that the smile were replaced with worried looks.

While she slept we all took a nap too. I was in a deep sleep until I was woken up by the sound of someone laughing.

I opened my eyes and saw Chloe laughing with the guys. It sounded nice to hear her laughing.

"Oh sorry man did we wake you?" Zach asked.

"It's fine, how are you feeling?" I asked her.

"I'm feeling better, I want to try to walk again if that is okay?" She says.

"Of course!" I stand up and I helped her walk a few laps around her room.

"Try is without Corbyn's help." Jack says.

I let go and the first step she made she almost feel but I caught her in enough time.

"Maybe not yet." Daniel says and we all laugh.

The door opens and the doctor walks in.

"It's good to see you up and moving." He says.

Chloe smiled at him.

"Mr. Besson could I speak with you privately?" I nod and Jonah grabs Chloe's arms.

"What is this about?" I ask as we are outside the room


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