Chapter 19

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I ran inside as fast as us I could. Zach is standing talking to a nurse, I ran to them and ask what is going on.

"She is out of surgery now..." she said but I interrupted her.

"Can I go see her?" I asked.

"Not quite yet, she needs her rest. The surgery went well, we won't know if her hand is fixed until she try's to use it. I will come get you when you can come." She says sweetly.

I feel a bit better knowing that she is okay. I sit now in my chair and take a second to catch my breath.

I have been so worried about her, but now that I know she is okay I can calm down a bit. I hope she will be able to use her hand. But I am just so relieved she is alive I can't even think about anything else.

After about 2-3 hours of more waiting a nurse that we haven't seen before we comes up to us. We all jump up at the same time. Except for Jack who is asleep in his chair. I can blame him, we have been waiting a really long time for any news. Out of the corner of my eye I can Daniel shake Jack awake.

"Are you here for Chole?" She asks.

"Yes we are, is she okay?" Jonah asks.

I know what Chloe and Jonah have a special bond, like he is her protective older brother. It must be very hard on him to not be able to do anything for her. That's when it hit me that all the guys really do care about her. It gives me a comforting feeling that she has all of us to look out for her. The nurse answering Jonahs question pulled me back to the present.

"She is doing fine. May I ask your relationship with miss Chole?"

We all look at each other.

"I am her boyfriend and.. and.." I didn't know what to call the guys. They are more then the people she works with.

"We are her best friends." Zach speaks up.

The nurse nods, "I can't take all of you to see her right now. But she is waking up, which one of you would like to be with her?" She asks us.

"Corbyn will go." Daniel puts his hand on my shoulder.

"Okay then follow me. Corbyn was it?" The nurse asks.

I nod my head and follow her down a long hallway.

I can feel my hands getting sweaty and my heart beating very fast.

'What will I say to her? Will she still look like my beautiful Chole? No of course she will nothing in the world could change the beauty she has inside and out.' These thoughts were running through my head as I walk.

After what feels like an hour of walking we finally reach the door that Chloe is behind.

The nurse put her hand on my shoulder, "anything you are ready just go in."

Then she left me standing outside the door. I took a deep breath and reached for the door handle.

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