The Forsaken, part ten

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10. A visiting priest had come to consecrate the king as the new ruler, but upon the sight of his new "advisor", the priest protested and attacked the Devil with words from his bible, like distasteful violin music. The priest could clearly sense the Devil was present in Vico's court, so he ventured out into the town and began to protest to his fellow citizens of the king being in league with the dark lord, a belief shared by an angry mob who gathered at the gates of the royal palace to protest. Vico, in turn, gazed upon the masses with discontent, thereby proclaiming a reign of terror against anyone who challenged his dominion of Scala. 

Royal soldiers stormed into the angry mob, dispersing the crowd and giving the priest a public execution before Vico emerged with the Devil by his side. Almost immediately, soldiers began to patrol the streets and arrest anyone deemed out of turn, a situation that caused the witch to return to Vico. She demanded that he stop his tyranny over the people, but the king would not take heed of her pleas. The Devil sneaked behind Vico and merged with his soul, possessing him like a puppet on strings before the witch fired blasts of bright light at him. 

The Devil used Vico's agility to his advantage, eventually managing to force the with to her knees. The Devil then released Vico from his trance as the king kicked the witch out of the palace, onto the streets of a radically changing world. Vico did not appreciate being possessed but was reassured by the Devil that it had all been for the greater good to banish the witch, which they both reasoned to be wise in doing as their partnership was just getting started. 

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