The Damned, part eleven

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11. Triumphantly Ilaria swung the sword out of the ground and held it in the air for all to see, but the ovation was cut short by the sudden release of energy from the sword. With a clap of lightning, the soul of a northern warrior clad in pelt and armor stood out from the sword and boasted about his return. For seven long centuries, the warrior had been trapped inside the sword he had used to slay his enemies in life, but now his curse had been lifted and thanksgiving was in order. 

He saw his unlikely savior in the form of a young heroine who now held his sword in her hands. The warrior could not believe his eyes, so he did the northern way of thinking and tried to woo the beautiful maiden with words and labors of love in showing off his supposed greatness to her. Ilaria refused the consistent advances of the playboy warrior to the point of near-total annoyance with his antics. 

The team wondered nearby if they should have done anything to help the queen, but Vico reassured him that she was strong enough to take care of herself. After being rejected repeatedly by the woman who he deemed so fair, the warrior tried to force himself on her. When his final advance was rebuffed, the warrior flew into a violent rage and charged at Ilaria with his battle axe. The two duelled on the rock, each risking fiery doom by the riverside for control of the sword. The Enforcer eventually came to Ilaria's aid by swooping over the river of fire and pushing the warrior into the river, leaving only his wails and his sword to remain with Ilaria. 

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