Chapter 1

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(By they way, Rich's thoughts will not have a lisp)

3rd POV


Rich took in a deep breath, looking to the doors to the school.

'Maybe they all forgot. It all blew over, right?'

Rich thought. He had been in the hospital for months after the fire he had started at his best friends house. He now had burn marks all over his body...which he just realized.

'The second they see me they'll all remember...fuck!'

He cursed to himself. He exhaled slowly and quickly walked into the school.

The halls went still. Everyone stared at him. He froze, looking around slowly. People were whispering and giggling. He saw Jake in the crowd who looked...angry. Rich covered his face and sped through the halls. The whispers got louder, small laughter ensuing. He raced through the halls and noticed the janitor's closet. He slammed the door open then shut, locking himself in. He fell to the ground, tears spilling down his face.

"God why why why." He cried, shaking his head. He heard a knock on the door.

"No one'th in here." He said. He mentally facepalmed.

"Uh, I'm not so sure about that." He recognized the voice. It was Jeremy.

He was the only one, besides Michael, who understood and was kind to Rich after...the incident. He opened the door and grabbed Jeremy's arm, pulling him in.

"JEEZ! Rich what's wrong?" Jeremy asked, accepting the hug Rich gave him. Rich hugged him tightly, sobbing as if he would never cry again.

"Everyone rememberth. Everyone hateth me." He cried. Jeremy patted his back.

"It's okay man. Hey, I'm here for you. So is Michael." He said, smiling. Rich nodded slightly.

"Are you thure? I think he still hateth me." Rich said. Jeremy shrugged.

"I don't know...I think he's a bit uneasy." Jeremy said. Rich frowned, worrying Jeremy.

"I-It's better than nothing." Jeremy said, chuckling a bit. Rich sighed and pulled up a fake smile.

"I gueth you're right. Thankth man." Rich said, patting Jeremy's shoulder.

"No problem. Hey, I can walk you to your first class." Jeremy offered. Rich nodded. Jeremy opened the door and walked Rich out. Kids continued to stare, their whispers turning to Jeremy.

"A-Are you thure you wanna do thith? They'll target you, too." Rich whispered. Jeremy nodded.

"I've been through this multiple times. It's nothing." He said. He made it to the English class, patting Rich's back.

"I'll be here when class is over, okay?" Rich nodded. Jeremy walked away and Rich entered the classroom. It was basically empty since there were 15 minutes before it started and no one goes to class early. The only kid in the class was...Michael. Michael had his head down. His hood was up and he was looking at his phone, his headphones set upon his head.

Rich decided to take a seat next to him since he was his best option.

He walked to the small table and sat in the chair next to Michael, hoping he wouldn't notice. That plan clearly failed because Michael quickly looked up to Rich, lifting his hood ever so slightly. He frowned and put his head back down.

"Good morning to you, too." Rich said. Michael's head shot up.

"You don't have the rights to be a dick anymore, Rich. Your reputation is ruined and it isn't coming back." He snarled. Rich put his hands up in defense.

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