Chapter 4

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Rich's POV

Soft snores came from Michael's room. It was the weekend. Michael's moms had insisted I stayed over longer. They had left to go on a small grocery run. I was in one of Michael's old sweatshirts that he didn't wear anymore. It was bigger than me, of course.

I heard soft footsteps from behind me. I didn't realize the snoring stopped. I turned to see his boxers. He turned red, looking at me.

"Y-You're still here."

"Why are you in you're boxerth?"

"Why are you in my old hoodie?"

"Anther my quethtion."

"Answer mine first." I sighed.

"Your mom gave it to me." He mouth an "oh".

" in my boxers...because I literally just woke up."

"You thleep in boxerth?"

"You don't?" We both laughed.

"No. I like cuddling up in thoft shorth and a tank top." I said, shrugging. He walked past me and went to the pantry, grabbing cereal.

"You aren't going to change?"

"Nope. Am I making you uncomfortable?" He asked, reaching into the fridge for milk.

"In a way, yeth."

"In a way?"


"Chill. We're both dudes."

"Tho?" He turned and held out his hand. He raised his eyebrow.

"No homo?" I rolled my eyes and shook his hand.

"No homo..."

"There. You're fine." Hopped into the seat next to me, eating his cereal. He looked over to me.

"Want anything?" He asked. I shook my head, but a grumble in my stomach said otherwise. Michael laughed.

"It's fine, dude. I can get you cereal." I sighed and nodded. Michael made me a bowl of Chex, sliding it across the counter.

"Thankth." I mumbled, taking a bite of the cereal. Michael and I talked for a bit until Michael brought up one thing.

"You fell asleep on me last night." His eyes widened and he shut his mouth, realizing what he said. My face heated up.

"I-I what?" I stuttered.

"Sorry. I...You just...fell asleep on me last night." Michael said, quietly. My confidence boosted randomly and I smirked.

"Did ya get a boner?"

"WHAT!?" Michael screeched, jumping. I bursted into laughter.

"I'm joking, dude. That wath my bad. I tend to randomly path out. I get tired eathily." I said, shrugging. Michael nodded, his face still red. I paused.

"D-Did you...?"

"NO! That's insane!" Michael sputtered. I chuckled from disbelief.

"Oh. My. GOD! Michael Mell got a boner off lil' ole me." I said, smiling widely.

"Shut up, man."

"It'th fine. i get it. It'th called the cruelty of puberty. Remember," I patted his shoulder, "no homo."

"No homo..." The front door opened and in walked Michael's moms, Charlene and Evelyn. Evelyn gasped.

"MICHAEL MELL! WHERE ARE YOUR CLOTHES!?" She screeched. Michael's face heated up.

"M-Mom! It's fine. Rich and I made a no homo rule." He stuttered, smiling. His moms laughed. I nodded.

"It'th true. No guy can break the no homo rule. It'th a promith." I said, smiling. Michael laughed and high fived me. Charlene shook her head, laughing.

"You boys are so cute."

"I know~" I purred.

"Rich, I sent a quick text to your dad. I told him you were here and safe. He wants you home." Evelyn said, checking her phone. My face fell.

"C-Can I thtay?" She looked up at me, a worried yet confused look on her face.

"Don't you want to head home? Your father is worried."

"He'th not worried." I responded quickly. Tears pricked my eyes as I felt everyone's eyes on me.

"Is something wrong, Rich?"

"I jutht...don't want to go home..." Evelyn sighed and looked to Charlene who shook her head.

"You need to head home, Rich." I sucked in the tears and nodded. I rushed down the hall to the guest room to gather my stuff. I heard a small knock on the door and turned. Michael stood at the doorway.

"Rich, is something wrong between you and your dad?" He asked.

"N-No. Everything ith fine." I stuttered. I went to leave, but Michael stopped me. He handed me his phone.

"Promise me...if anything is'll call and tell me." I nodded.

"Thure." Michael walked me outside. He waved goodbye and I walked down to my house. I slowly opened the door and entered my house. I saw my dad on the couch. He glared at me.

"You tell them any shit?"

"No dad."

"Good. Go to your room." I quickly nodded and rushed to my room, closing my door behind me. I jumped onto my bed and curled up, tears falling from my eyes. I stayed there all day, refusing to go downstairs or anywhere.

"I fucking hate my life..."


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