Chapter 12

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Rich stepped outside of Michael's house. He was getting rapid texts from his dad.

Dad - Get home now

Dad - Where are you???

Dad - Rich, now

Dad - Come home

Dad - We need to talk

Rich's breath hitched. He dialed his dad's number an watched the phone ring. It picked up shortly after.

Rich? Rich is this you?

"Yeah dad. It'th me."

Get home now. We need to talk.

"You made that very clear over text." He sighed. He hung up and quickly walked home.

'Michael's gonna wonder where I went'

He shook his head.

'I'll tell him later'

He walked down to his house, focusing on the things around him.

A lady was walking her dog. She noticed him and waved, smiling warmly. Rich waved back.

A small blue bird flew over his head and over to a tree.

Leaves blew slightly, moving across the street.

Rich sighed as he approached the door. He knocked slightly before it opened. He walked inside. His dad stood there, frowning.

"Where the hell where you-"

"I wath at Michael'th houth." He replied quickly. His dad looked down and motioned him to go and sit down in the living room. Rich slowly walked over and sat in the couch across from his dad.

"Son, are you gay?"

"No, dad. I'm bi."

"I..." His dad stopped himself.

"I didn't know. I'm sorry for-"

"You're apologithing now!? After everything, now that I'm bi you apologithe!?" Rich asked, his face reddening.

"Just let me talk."

"No! You put my life through hell dad. You made me want to kill mythelf. Mom would've never treated me like you did-"

"LET ME TALK DAMMIT." Rich quickly shut up. His dad's expression softened.

"I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to yell..." They sat in silence.

"Why did you do it?" Rich mumbled.


"Why did you treat me like that?" His dad sighed.

"I'm not the best at holding in my anger."

"Yeah, clearly." Rich mumbled. His dad ignored him.

"I just couldn't let go of your mom's death. I still can't. I just...keep seeing...never mind."

"You keep theeing what?"

"I keep seeing the guy that killed your mom in you." His dad said quickly, tears pricking his eyes. Rich looked to his dad, his eyes widened.

"D-Dad...I thought you thaid mom died in a car acthident." He said, slowly.

"She...was killed by an intruder. I got home a bit too late and...I saw the guy...beating her. She was already dead, but he didn't stop. I tackled him and tried to call the cops, but he got away. I didn't want to tell you. You were too young to know."

"Where the hell wath I?!" Rich asked, tears falling down his cheeks.

"You were in bed..sleeping. If I hadn't gotten there, he would've killed you, too." They sat in silence a but longer.

"Tho, why do you take it out on me?"

"They guy...I saw his face. He had freckles, blonde hair, and hazel eyes. He looked...just like you. Every time you came home or I saw you, I always were the reason of her death." He cried silently. Rich's face fell and he looked away.

"I'm glad you...told me dad, but I don't forgive you. You put me through tho much shit. I'm not juth gonna acthept and move path thith quickly."

"And I don't expect you to. I just needed you to know. Also...I fully support you and...Michael." He said, patting Rich's leg. Rich shook slightly, not used to feeling his dad touch him without it being violent. He choked out a small sob and jumped into his dad's arms, hugging him tightly. His dad jumped, but was quick to hug him back.

"I love you so much, Richie." Rich tensed.

"Pleath...don't call me that."

"Sorry." His dad mumbled. They sat in silence, holding each other. His dad pulled away and smiled at Rich.

"I'm very proud you met someone like Michael."

"W-What do you mean? You never really met him."

"Well, I did that one time when I saw you two...asleep together."

"D-Dad, we didn't do anything-"

"Don't worry, I know," His dad laughed softly, "I just noticed during our...scene that he did two things the best boyfriend could ever do. He clearly snuck over night just to comfort you and he protected you and..."

His dad sniffed slightly. Rich smiled and hugged him tightly again.

"I know, dad. He really is the best."

"I'm so proud of you." His dad cried.

Rich couldn't believe it.

'Am I dreaming?'

He had always dreamed his dad would do this. He was so happy and couldn't let this moment go.

"I love you, too dad."

He pulled away and quickly headed upstairs. He hopped on the bed and took out his phone.

R - You won't believe what just happened!!!


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