Chapter 15

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Rich's head hurt like hell. He sat up only to instantly hit his head and fall back down.

"What the..."

He was in the back of a car. There was slight lighting in there. He put his hand up to his nose and wiped. There was blood spilling from his nose.

"What happened-"

He was cut off when he heard talking from outside. It was slight mumbles, so he got closer to the car's wall.

"Sorry, kid, but we haven't seen him. What does he look like?"

'Who the hell is that?'

Rich thought. He then heard another voice that was familiar.

"He has blonde hair with a red streak. He's short and has freckles. Oh, and he has burn marks."


He thought. A small burst off hope rang through his body.

"We'll tell you if we see him, though." Rich took a deep breath and lifted his arm that wasn't numb.

"Thank you-"

"HELP! THOMEONE PLEATHE!" Rich screamed, banging on the door as loud as he could. He heard quick footsteps. Someone grabbed the handle of the back door. He smiled, tears falling from his eyes. Then, the noise went quiet besides yelling. The loud screech of the wheels rang through his ears and he was launched forward, hitting the door.

The car was getting away. He heard Michael's shouts getting further and further.


"No no no no no no." He cried, laying back down.

"I'm gonna die here. They're gonna kill me and I'm never gonna thee Michael or dad again." He cried, sniffing. He hugged his arms, shaking violently.

'Why me? Why do they want me?'

He thought, looking all around him. That's when he saw something in the backseat with him. It was a crowbar. The same one the guys used to break into Rich's house. He gasped and grabbed it, pressing it to the bottom of the door. He pulled it down, cracking the door open. He opened it more and looked outside. They were in a forest.

'Damn, these guys are driving fast'

He thought, looking around.

'Come on. It's either this or death'

He took a deep breath and launched out of the car, tumbling on the ground. He was lucky they were up somewhere where there weren't any other cars behind the guys that took him. He was covered in scratches and cuts, but he refused to stop.

He stood up, wobbling back and forth. He began stumbling and running away. Soon, he regained his strength and sped up. The sound of the car in the distance didn't stop.

"Thank fucking god they didn't notith I jumped out." He said to himself, cutting off the road to get deeper into the woods. If they did stop, he didn't want them to find him. He ran through the woods, looking all around. He heard a car drive by quickly and then pull over.

'Fuck, is that them?'

Her panicked. He checked out slightly. He was right on the edge of the woods, looking out to a road. The car that was parked opened. He stayed hidden slightly. A girl stepped out, rushing to the back. She went to her back tire and checked it.

'I don't think there was a girl with them'

Rich thought. He stumbled out of the woods.

"Excuth me?"

He said, his voice raspy. She turned to him and yelped, jumping back.

"Oh my god! Are you okay?!" She asked, quickly rushing over to examine him.

"I-I need to get back h-home. Thome guyth kidnapped me and...I-I had to jump from their car. Pleath, can you get me..." His eyes felt heavy.

"Sir? SIR!?" She yelled. Her voice became mumbles and his eyes went blurry. He felt himself fall forward before he was thrown into darkness.


Michael sat back in a chair, crossing his arms.

"Thank you so much for your report. We'll be sure to look into this. Does he have any family who can come in and confirm this?"

"Yes. His dad."

"Where does he live."

Michael gave him the address and a cop from nearby perked up.

"Okay, we'll-"

"The kid's telling the truth. We just sent a team over there. The dad called and said his son was taken." The cop said. Michael lit up, thankful that the guy was on his side.

"Oh, well, thank you so much for your tip. We'll look out for these two. If they don't have your friend, you'll be saving another kid's life." Michael smiled softly and nodded.

"Okay. Thank you so much." Michael said, standing up.

"Of course. Do you need to call a ride home?"

"No. I live nearby. Thank you." Michael said. The cop nodded and smiled. Michael turned on his heel and walked out of the station. He sighed and looked around, examining the town.

"God, Rich please...please be okay." He begged, sighing and turning to walk home. His head hung low as tears started to pour from his eyes.

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