Chapter 13

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M - What? Are you okay???

R - It's between me and my dad

M - WHAT!?!?!


R - No no no no no

R - its good

R - he apologized to me and explained his actions

R - its the first time he's been calm and kind to me

M - thats amazing babe!

R - he also thinks your the best boyfriend ever

M - *you're

R - shut up

M - lol

R - imma go

R - luv you

M - Mahal kita

Rich looked down to his phone, raising an eyebrow.

'Mahal kita? What does that mean?'

He shrugged it off and set his phone down, hopping off his bed. He walked to his window and opened it, a gust of wind hit his face. He sighed in content and rested his head on his hands. He traced his finger around the window seal, humming to himself. The same blue bird perched on his window. He smiled and slowly reached out his finger. The bird nuzzled into his hand and chirped softly.

"Aw~" He said, smiling. He nuzzled his finger on the birds head, earning small chirps in return.

"Do you have a mommy?" He asked. The bird flew over onto his shoulder. It rested against his neck and soon closed it's eyes, falling asleep. Rich stood up and walked to his bed, taking the small bird off his shoulder. He rested it onto the pillow. It instantly snuggled into the smooth and puffy pillow.

"Thleep tight little fella." He said, opening the door and hopping downstairs. He turned the corner and saw his dad grabbing his keys.

"Where are you going, dad?" He dad looked up to him and smiled.

"Just to the store. I'll be back soon." He said. Rich nodded. His dad head out the door and shut it. Rich hopped onto the couch and stretched, resting his head on the couch's pillow. He sighed and turned on the TV, scrolling through the channels.

//Mini Time Squip//

He headed upstairs and closed his bedroom door behind him. He jumped on his bed, the small bird squeaking while bouncing slightly. Rich tensed and watching the bird stand up.

"Th-Thorry little guy. I forgot you were there." The bird shook it's head a bit and flew up to Rich, nuzzling into the crook of his neck. He smiled and softly pet him.

He heard the door open downstairs.

'Oh, dad's home'

He opened his phone and scrolled through YouTube. He heard faint whispers from downstairs. It sounded like multiple people.

'That's not my dad'

He thought, his heart sinking. He cupped the small bird and hid into the closet, curling up into the corner. He pulled out his phone. His hand was shaking.

'Fuck. I didn't lock the door when dad left'

He realized. Tears spilled from his eyes as footsteps were heard walking upstairs. Definitely multiple people. He started texting Michael quickly.

R - Michael call the cops! Quickly!!!

M - Michael is offline

R - Micha please you need to call the fucin cops

M - Michael is offline


He typed, not caring that he spelled everything wrong.

"Michael please..." He whispered. His door slammed open and he jumped, hugging his bird closer to him. Tears spilled from his eyes as he covered his mouth to muffle his sobs. He saw figures looking around his room from the small opening in the closet. A figure stepped in front of the door. Rich felt himself sink into the corner.

The door slammed open, light flooding into the closet. He closed his eyes and covered his face.

"Well, what do we have here?"


Protection ~ Expensive Headphones ~ Be More Chill FanficWhere stories live. Discover now