Chapter 7

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"Richie, will you grab the carrots for mommy?" Rich nodded, standing on his toes to see over the counter. He scooped up the carrots and tugged on his mom's shirt. She took them from his hand and dumped them into the salad bowl.

"Thank you, sweetie." She leaned down and kissed his head. Rich groaned, shoving her away.

"Mom...thath groth."

"I can't help it. You're too adorable." Rich crossed his arms, pouting.

"Go wash up, Richie." She said, patting his head. He nodded and bounced to the bathroom. He whistled a small tune while washing his hands. The whistle squeaked a few times, but he didn't mind.


A shriek came from the kitchen, causing Rich to jump. He quickly ran outside of the bathroom, but the second his foot stepped outside it went black.


He sat up quickly, gasping for air.

"F-Fuck..." He panted, clutching his chest. His heart beat was racing wild. He grabbed his phone quickly, hitting Michael's contact.

The phone rang a bit.

He didn't know why he instantly called Michael, but it just felt right. He needed to hear Michael's voice. There was a small click.

"R-Rich? Is this you?"

"Michael! Oh thank god. It feelth tho good to hear your voice."

He heard Michael sit up quickly.

"W-What!? Are you okay!? What happened!?" He asked, clearly panicked.

"I had...a nightmare and I wath pretty shaken." He stuttered. He felt bad for waking Michael so early over a stupid nightmare.

"You want me to come over?"

"Y-You'd do th-that?" Rich asked. His heart fluttered.

"Of course, love. I'll be over in a sec." Michael hung up. Rich craved his voice and embrace already.

"God, Michael. Hurry." He said, his leg bouncing in anticipation.

The darkness in his room seemed to consume his bed more and more. He felt his breath hitch. He shuddered, rubbing his arms. Tears pricked his eyes.

This happened often and he hated it so much. He hugged his knees closer, tears spilling from his eyes. He rocked back and forth in his bed. A cold breeze lightly tapped his body. A hand met his arm. He jumped, looking up at the figure. It was Michael.

"Th-That wath quick." He said, sighing and smiling.

"It...wasn't really. Maybe you just spaced while I was heading over." Michael said, sitting in the bed next to Rich. Rich quickly wrapped his arms around Michael, melting into his touch. Michael smiled, pulling rich closer. He planted a small kiss on his head. They leaned back, Rich's head resting on the pillow.

"Y-Your cold."

"Do you want to stop cuddling."

"No. Never." Michael snickered. Rich planted a small kiss on Michael's nose. "I love you."

"I love you, too Richie." Rich flinched, tears threatening to spill. Michael noticed and frowned. "What's wrong?"

"I...I don't hath to do with my dream."

"Do you want to tell me about it?" Rich simply shook his head. Michael nodded, smiling softly. He tightened the hug and fell asleep, his face deepening into the crook of Rich's neck. Rich giggled.

"That ticklth." He said, laughing. Michael didn't hear him. He quickly fell asleep. Rich smiled, sighing in content. He cuddled into Michael's warm embrace. Soon, he fell asleep in Michael's arms.


Sorry this was short. I'll try and make the next one longer.

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