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Rich sat at home, petting the head of his bird. He sighed and rested his head back onto his pillow. It had been 4 months since he was kidnapped. He was still in a relationship with Michael. It had of course gotten more serious and they planned on never splitting apart.

Rich checked his phone. He was meeting up with Michael soon for a date. He sat up, his little bird Sophie falling onto the bed. She tweeted in confusion.

"Thorry, Thophie, but I have to get ready for my date." He said. He got into his outfit for his date. It was a red collar shirt with a black vest over it. He slipped on black jeans and black shoes. Finally, he put on a black bow tie to top it off. He turned to Sophie.

"How do I look?" She gave a small chirp. Rich giggled and picked her up softly.

"I'm going to athume you thaid I look great." He said. He set her in her cage and went to his bathroom to freshen up.

He brushed his hair and added hairspray so that it flipped up a bit. He added a bit of cologne and took out eyeliner. He enjoyed wearing it. It made him feel fancy. He added small wings to the end of his eyes and back up from the mirror, taking in his full look. He smiled softly.

"Alright. I think I'm ready." He said. He quickly raced downstairs and opened the door. He walked down the street to Michael's house. It wasn't too far away. He walked up to Michael's door and knocked softly. The door opened to reveal a dressed up Michael.

He was wearing a white collar shirt and a red vest. He had a pink bow tie on top. He also wore black jeans and black shoes. His eyes widened when he saw Rich and his cheeks heated up.

"Y-You look great, Rich." He said, smiling widely. Rich looked down, flustered.

"Aw, you flatter me." He said. Michael turned and grabbed two roses. One was red and one was pink. He slipped the pink one into Rich's vest.

"There. Now you look even better. Didn't know that was possible." Rich giggled and took the other rose from Michael. He tucked it into Michael's vest.

"Well...I could thay the thame for you." He leaned forward and pecked Michael's lips. Michael smiled softly.

"That eyeliner looks great." He said. Rich hugged him.

"I know. Alright, leth go." Rich said. Michael hooked arms with him and walked to his PT cruiser. He opened the door for Rich. Rich hopped in, smiling softly. Michael went to the other side of the car and got it. He put one of his hands on Rich's leg and kissed his cheek.

"I love you." Michael said, smiling warmly.

"I love you, too Micah." Rich said. Michael started the car and drove away. There car slowly left the street and left the sight of a specific watcher.


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