Chapter 11

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Michael's eyes widened.


"Are we...not?" Charlene looked between the two, nervous she started something.

"No no...I just thought you didn't-"

"I'm th-thorry I didn't mean to...I juth thought-"

"No, I mean. You told me that one time...about your dad-"

"Oh! Well, my dad already knowth now, tho it'th fine." Rich said, shrugging. Michael nodded and turned back to his mom.

"Yes, we are dating." His mom let out a small giggle.

"Well, that's nice. I'm so proud of you, Michael."

"Because a boyfriend?"

"Yes, what else?" They all shared a small laugh. Michael shrugged.

"Rich, was your father okay when you got home." Rich looked up to her, his eyes widening ever so slightly.


"Mom, I think it's best if he stays with us ." Michael said, slipping his hand into Rich's under the counter.

"Is there something wrong? Rich, you can tell me anything." Charlene said, worry showing slightly through her voice. Rich shook his head. Charlene looked to Michael.

"We could talk about it later. I just don't think it's best right now." Michael said. Charlene sighed and nodded.

"Well, if it wouldn't be a bother to have Rich stay." Charlene said, placing her hand on the one hand Rich had on top of the counter. The other stayed under, squeezing Michael's hand.

"Thank you, Mrth. Mell."

"Please, call me Charlene." She said, smiling softly. Rich nodded.

"Well, Michael," Michael turned his attention towards his mom, "your mother and I are going out tonight. We won't be out too long. I just thought you should know before we head out."

Michael nodded. Charlene walked to the door and slipped on her shoes and her jacket.

"I need to go pick her up from work. You boys have fun." Then, she left the house. Rich turned to Michael and hugged him tightly.

"Thank you tho much." He said, small tears dripping from his eyes.

"Of course, darling." Michael pulled away and kissed his forehead. Rich cupped Michael's face, looking into his eyes.

"Should we finish off where we started?~" He asked, grinning. Michael's face flushed. He nodded slowly. Rich took his hand and the boys headed back down to the basement.

//Okay...small children don't read this//

Rich quickly pushed Michael onto the couch, laying over him and kissing him passionately. Michael wrapped his arms around Rich, closing his eyes. Rich's hand traveled down to Michael's crotch, palming him slowly. His breath hitched and a small moan escaped his mouth.

"You like that?~" Rich asked. Michael nodded, biting his lip.

"D-Don't stop~" He moaned. Rich connected their lips again, slipping his hands down Michael's underwear. He slowly stroked Michael's member. Michael tugged on Rich's shirt.

"What? I didn't hear you~" Rich said, grinning.

"Take your sh-shirt off." Rich removed his hands from Michael's pants, removing his shirt. Michael took the small chance to take off his pants. Rich dived down to Michael's neck, nipping and biting at it. He hit Michael's sweet spot, earning a small whimper.

Rich slowly kissed down lower and lower, trailing his lips down Michael's chest to his belly button. He pulled down Michael's underwear, freeing his erection.

Michael propped himself up on his elbows, biting his lip. His face was hot and bright red.
Rich smiled and licked a strip up Michael's member. Michael arched his back, covering his mouth to muffle a moan. Rich sat up and reached for Michael's hand.

"I'm not gonna continue if I can't hear you, babe." He said, grinning. Michael nodded, letting out a shaky breath. Rich went back down and sucked on Michael's tip, swirling his tongue around. Small whimpers escaped Michael's lips. Rich went down, taking Michael all the way in. Michael threw his head back.

"F-Fuck Rich~" He moaned. Rich bobbed up and down, a smile tugging at his lips hearing Michael praise his name.

"F-Faster...please." Rich took the command and went up and down faster, using his hand to pump the bottom slightly. Michael's groans got louder and faster.

"I-I'm gonna..."

"Go ahead, baby." Rich said before going back down. Michael reached down, gripping Rich's hair. He let go in Rich's mouth, filling all the way down to his throat. Rich pulled up, smiling at Michael as he wiped his mouth. He swallowed and climbed on top of Michael, kissing at his neck again. He left marks all along his collarbone and neck.

"Fuck Rich. I love you so much~" He breathed. Rich hovered over him.

"Do you have condomth?" He asked. Michael's eyes widened.

"N-no...not currently." Rich sighed.

"Damn. Lookth like it'th juth a blow job tonight." He said, flopping down onto the couch. Michael sat up and zipped up his pants.

"Really? Just like that?" Rich cupped his face.

"It'th not that I don't want to. We don't have condomth, tho we have to thave it for another time."

"You couldn't have at least asked me before blowing me?" Michael asked. Rich shrugged.

"Would you prefer we did nothing?"

"I-I didn't say that-"

"Then, we'll go with what we had now." Michael pouted.

"You so owe me."

"I know." Rich leaned in to kiss him. Michael stopped him.

"No, you taste like my dick." Michael said. Rich chuckled and rolled his eyes.

"I'll go brush my teeth." He said, standing up and heading upstairs.

"Don't use my toothbrush. I don't want to brush my teeth with my tooth brush tasting like my own cock." It was dead silent. Michael heard small giggles.

"RICH!" He yelled, running upstairs.


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