Chapter 14

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Michael smacked Jeremy's controller down.

"Dude! What the fuck!?" Jeremy yelled. Michael won the game.


"That's not fair. I didn't know we were playing street rules." Jeremy pouted. Michael laughed. Jeremy looked over to Michael's phone.

"Dude your phone had been going off all night. Aren't you gonna check it?"

"I can't when I'm in the zone, Jere." Jeremy looked up to Michael and back down to the phone. He sighed.

"Okay." He mumbled. Michael frowned to Jeremy and rolled his eyes.

"Would it make you feel better if I checked it?"

"Yeah. It was going off pretty quickly. I think someone really needed you." Michael sighed and turned on his phone, scrolling through his messages. His face fell.

"O-Oh my god..."

"What? Who was it?"

"It's Rich. He was asking for help. God, Jeremy, he sent this shit 20 minutes ago." He said. Jeremy looked over to the messages. His eyes widened.

"Well then go over there, Michael. See what's wrong. Hurry!" Jeremy practically shoved Michael out of his house.

Michael ran as fast as he could down the street, occasionally tripping and stumbling, but it didn't faze him. He ran all the way down to Rich's house and saw someone entering through the front door holding bags.

"HEY!" He yelled. The guy turned around. It was Rich's dad.

"Rich's boyfriend? Michael was it? What are you doing here?"

"I need to get inside. I think Rich is in trouble." Rich's dad quickly unlocked the door. Michael burst through and quickly rushed upstairs. His dad set down the bags and quickly followed. He slammed into the door, opening it abruptly.

"RICH!?" He yelled. The room was trashed. The bed was ripped up, the closet had things spilled from it, pictures were knocked over, and there was a small bird in the corner. It tweeted softly, flying to Michael. It turned and led him over to the window.

It was wide open, wind slightly blowing through it. Michael looked in horror as he saw blood smeared below it and up to the seal.

"Oh my god..." His dad said, looking around. Tears fell from Michael's face as he collapsed to the ground.

"It's all my fault. It's all my fault." He cried. Rich's dad walked up to Michael, kneeling next to him. He pulled him into a hug.

"It's not your fault." He said, calmly. Michael pushed away.

"No, it is. He was texting me and I ignored the text." He cried. His dad's expression softened.

"You couldn't have known." His dad said, frowning. Michael stood up.

"Call the cops. I'll try and track down these bastards" Michael growled. Rich's dad stood up and started quickly dialing 9-1-1.

Michael ran out of the house, running down the street. He ended up running to the park, trying to find something suspicious.

He saw two people in hoods talking, standing over their car. He rushed over to them.

"Excuse me?" He asked. They two turned to him.

One man who had his hood up had blonde hair. It fell over his eyes slightly. His eyes were oddly a orange-hazel, a scar running down it. He had slight stubble, clearly not shaving. He was tall and around his neck was a silver necklace with an odd symbol as the gem. It was a triangle with three dots in each corner.

The other had shorter brown hair. His eyes were gold. He had three scratch marks on his lower chin. He was definitely tall, but shorter than the blonde guy. He had the same necklace. He had an odd carving under his left eye. It was the same shape as the gem.

"What is it, kid?" The blonde one snarled.

"I'm sorry for interrupting your conversation, but my friend went missing. I was wondering if you two had seen him." The brown haired one shrugged.

"Sorry, kid, but we haven't seen him. What does he look like?" He asked.

"He has blonde hair with a red streak. He's short and has freckles. Oh, and he has burn marks."  Michael said. The two men shook their heads.

"We'll tell you id we see him, though." Michael nodded.

"Thank you-"


A scream rang from the back of the car. The two guys looked at each other and quickly scrambled to get into the car. Michael ran to open the back, but the one with brown hair shoved him to the ground. The sped off. Michael quickly pulled out his phone, trying to snap a photo of the licenses plate. He quickly looked at the photo.

"Dammit. It's blurry." He cussed. He at least knew who had Rich.

And he was determined to get them thrown in jail.


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