Chapter 8

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"GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE!" Rich's dad yelled. Michael was standing in the corner, trying to keep a distance between him and Rich's dad. Rich was curled up in the other corner, crying his eyes out.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Goranski. I was just trying to--"

"I don't care! You are not welcome here!" He yelled.

"S-Sir I--"


"Dad! Leave him alone." Rich yelled, standing up. He had gained confidence. His dad turned to him, glaring him down.

"I'm not letting my kid become a damn fairy."

"MOM WOULD ACCEPT ME!" Rich's dad marched over to him and punched him square in the nose, knocking him out.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU!?" Michael yelled, rushing to Rich's side. He picked him up, holding him close.

"What kind of dad are you!?" He ran out of the house as fast as he could, footsteps echoed behind him. He ran all the way home, not slowing down. He made it safely to his house, laying Rich onto the couch. He locked the door.

"MOM!?" He called. No response.

'Damn. My parents are at work'

He checked the clock. Only ten in the morning. He rushed to Rich's side, tending to his wounds the best he could.

Luckily, Rich's nose wasn't in any critical condition. His face was a bit bruised and his lip was cut, but nothing too serious. Michael pulled Rich up onto his lap and cuddled him close. He sat on the couch, rocking back and forth ever so slightly. He heard a small groan and swiftly looked down to Rich. Rich turned to look at Michael, his hand placed on Michael's chest. He looked to Michael drowsily.

"W-What happened."

"I found out there was something you weren't telling me." Michael said, looking a bit disappointment. Rich's eyes squinted and tears built up. He started shaking.

"I-I'm tho thorry. I didn't want h-him to h-h-hurt me." Michael pulled him into a hug, petting his hair. He hushed him softly. Rich calmed down, his sobs becoming sniffles. His violent shaking slowed down as well. They sat in silence before Rich spoke up.

"Are you gonna break up with me?" Michael quickly pulled away, cupping Rich's face. He looked at Rich, worried.

"Why would I do that?"

"'Cauth I lied to you." Rich said, sniffing. Michael kissed him on the lips. It was passionate but soft. He pulled away, touching his forehead to Rich's.

"Richie I--"

"Pleath don't call me that."

"...okay. Rich, listen. I love you more than anything. I can't believe I was awful to you before. The first time we kissed, everything felt so right. We've been together for barely long at all, but each day felt like a miracle having you by my side." Michael said, looking into Rich's eyes. Tears spilled from his eyes again. He buried his head into Michael's chest, sobbing.

"G-God...I-I love you th-tho much." He cried. Michael smiled, holding Rich in his arms. They sat in silence, their breathing slow and calm.

"Are you okay?" Rich pulled away.

"What?" Rich asked. Michael softly traced the cut on Rich's lip and small bruises on his face, causing Rich to shudder.

"You're small injuries."

"Y-Yeah. Holding you makth it feel better." Rich said, smirking. Michael chuckled.

"You are so sweet." Michael said, giggling. His giggles faded and he frowned.

"C-Can I ask why...I can't call you Richie?" Rich's breath hitched and he sighed.

"My mom used to call me that. I...don't like to think back to her. I'm still trying to move on." Rich said, looking down. Michael kissed Rich's forehead, pulling Rich back into his chest. Rich listened to Michael's heartbeat. It calmed him down.

"I'm so sorry, Love. I promise you, I will always be here for you. I will protect you will my life." Michael said, rocking back and forth slightly. His soft voice soothed Rich. Rich mumbled a small response. It sounded like he was dosing to sleep. Michael didn't blame him. He was up 'till 2:00 am the night before and his dad had woken them up at 8:00 in a screaming fit. Michael gave him one small kiss on his forehead again.

"Sleep tight, babe~" He sung, laying his head back.

Soon, Michael drifted off as well.


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