Chapter 17

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Michael sat in the stool, trying to lean back without falling. He looked through the window at the blonde.

It had been 3 weeks. The cops had found both guys. The two were found looking around the woods at night.

Currently, they were questioning the blonde guy. The cop came out and looked to Michael.

"Would you like to go in and talk to him?"

"Where's Rich?" Michael responded, not removing his eyes from the blonde. The cop sighed.

"He's claiming to not have him."

"Fucking lies." Michael shoved the cop out of the way and entered the room. The blonde looked up to Michael and smiled, leaning forward. Michael sat down and glared at him.

"You're that kid's boyfriend who tried to save him from our car, aren't ya."

"Shut the fuck up and tell me where he is." Michael shouted, slamming his fist on the table. The blonde guy didn't flinch.

"Tryna scare me? Kid, I've seen far worse."

"Who the hell even are you?" Michael asked, crossing his arms and leaning back in his chair.

"Ricky Coner's my name. What's yours?"

"I'm the one asking questions."

"I think it's only fair since I gave you mine." Ricky said, smirking. Michael glared at him before sighing.

"Michael. Michael Mell. Now where is Rich?" Michael asked. Ricky shrugged.

"I don't know."

"What do you mean you don't know!? You're the one who kidnapped him!"

"I know, but he jumped out."

"He...jumped out?"

"On our way back to our house he must've jumped out of the back of the car. When we got there, we went to the back and it was wide open. He was gone." Ricky paused. "So was our crowbar."

"And how do we know you're not hiding him?"

"We're already going to jail for kidnapping him in the first place. Why would we need to hide him still?" Ricky raised an eyebrow. Michael stayed silent.

"Listen, Michael, you're boyfriend is either taken by someone else or is still out there trying to get home. Sean and I lost him and don't know where he went. We didn't kill him and we don't know anyone else who would want to take him." Ricky said. Michael nodded.

"Thank you for your cooperation." Michael said. Ricky grinned.

"Anytime. I hope you find Richie soon." Michael stopped dead in his tracks. He turned to Ricky.

"What did you just say?" Ricky raised an eyebrow.


"What did you just say?" Michael repeated. Ricky leaned back in his chair.

"I said...I hope you find Richie soon." Michael lunged towards him.

"YOU BASTARD!" Cops busted down the door, grabbing Michael before he could make contact with Ricky. Michael struggled in their grip.

"LET ME GO!" He shouted. Ricky watched Michael get dragged away, smiling.


Rich walked down the road, Amy by his side.

"So, what was it like to have a robot controlling your every move and word?"

"It wath awful. Painful, too." He said. Amy nodded.

"What did yours look like?"

"Evil Kermit." Amy looked at him, cocking her eyebrow.

"Wait, really?" She giggled.

"Yeah! More threatening than you'd think." He said. They both laughed.

"Well, I'm glad they were destroyed before being spread to here." She said, waving around her. Rich looked around.

"You live in a really beautiful neighborhood."

"I know. I love it here so much." She sighed in content, feeling slight wind blow through her hair.

They reached her house and went inside.

"So, are you feeling ready to head back?" She asked, turning to him. He nodded.

"I think tho." He said. She grabbed her keys off the coat rack and smiled.

"Alright then. Let's get you home."

They walked outside and hopped in her car. She started it and pulled out of the driveway.

"We'll get some gas and then get you back home. Sound good?" She asked. Rich nodded.

"Thoundth great." They sat in silence as Amy drove.

"Thank you tho much for taking care of me, Amy. I had a great time." He said. She smiled and patted his shoulder.

"Of course. I think you're a great friend." She said. He smiled and exhaled deeply.

"Okay. I'm ready to go back home with everything."

"Deal with everything?"

"I've been gone for 3 weekth. Everyone'th gonna be athking me quethionth." He said. She smiled.

"Don't worry. I'll be here to help out the best I can." She said.

"Thankth. I think I'm gonna get thome thleep. I'm exthauthted." He said. She nodded.

"I'll wake you when we get to your town."

Rich leaned against the window and slowly drifted off to sleep.

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