Chapter 10

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The big double digit!!!

Rich froze, staring at Michael. Michael turned his attention towards Jake who was now walking over. He squished in between them, putting an arm around Rich and pushing Michael away.

"I'm talking to you, Richie." Rich flinched. "Don't be scared, I'm not here to hurt you. I just wanted to ask why you're hanging out with antisocial headphones kid?"

"Becauth...he'th my friend--"

"What!? Friends? With this loser? Rich, did you lose brain cells in that fire." The girls next to them erupted into laughter. Rich looked down, fighting back tears.

"Why don't you just stop being a jackass and leave him alone." Michael said, standing up. Jake scowled at him.

"Or you'll what?" Michael popped his knuckles.

"I'll knock your teeth out, that's what." Michael grabbed Rich's arm and dragged him out of the arcade. Once they got far away from the arcade, Rich pulled Michael into a tight hug.

"Thankth tho much." He whimpered, tears falling from his eyes. Michael hugged him back, smiling softly.

"Of course. No one messes with rich Goranski and gets away with it." They both shared a laugh. Rich intertwined his fingers with Michael's and the two of them continued to walk down the street. Rich noticed a record shop across the store. He tugged on Michael's sleeve.

"Wanna go lithen to muthic?" He pointed to the store. Michael's face lit up.

"Oh hell yeah. I forgot this place was over here." He sped over to it, Rich stumbling from behind. They entered the store, looking around. They were the only ones there besides the worker. He was on his phone. Michael began walking around, looking at all the disc. Rich bounded up beside him.

Rich's eyes explored the store. There were records, discs, cassettes, posters, pins, even record players themselves. Rich saw there was an isle for newer songs. He walked over, looking to all of the cassettes and discs. He recognized a lot of the artists.

He looked up and saw Michael pick up a record, examining it. Rich walked back over to Michael, peeking over his shoulder. He had to stand on his toes.

"Do you have a record player?" Michael nodded.

"Wait, really? I've never theen one in your houth."

"It's downstairs in my basement. I don't think I've taken you down there yet." Rich mouth an 'oh'. He read the record and saw it was Whitney Houston.


"Don't ask. It's a surprise...I guess." Michael said. He walked up front and paid for it.

"Why don't just thearch it and play it on YouTube or thomething?" Rich asked, walking out of the shop with Michael.

"Because record players make it special." He said, hopping into his car. Rich got in on the other side. Michael handed the disc to rich. "Hold this for me."

Rich nodded and held it as Michael drove back home. On the car ride home, Michael was tapping his thumbs on the steering wheel to a beat. Rich recognized it, but couldn't put his finger on it. He shrugged it off and began reading random things off of the record's cover.

They reached his house and Michael went inside. He checked the clock before turning to Rich who was behind him, holding the disc. Michael took it from him.

"We have 1 hour before my parent's get home. Follow me." Michael turned on his heel and walked down the hallway. He reached a door and opened it. Rich peeked inside. It had a staircase leading to darkness. Rich gulped.

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