Chapter 5

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Michael laid in bed, sighing. He checked his alarm.

'2:57...fuck me'

Michael thought, rubbing his eyes. He couldn't stop thinking about Rich. He was worried about him and scared that something had happened.

He then remembered that he had gotten Rich's number.

"It wouldn't hurt to send text." He said, reaching to his phone. Luckily, his brightness was turned down, so it didn't blind him too much. He sent a quick message.

M - Hey Rich

M - It's Michael

M - I can't fucking sleep XD

He waited a few minutes and sighed, giving up. Then, he saw something pop up in the bottom of the screen.

R is typing~

"Oh shit. Did I wake him up?" Michael cursed to himself, feeling bad. He didn't want to wake him up at 2:00 am.

R- Dude same lol

R - wyd?

M - Laying in bed restlessly

M - You?

R - Crying myself to sleep :)

"What the hell?" Michael said.

M - Dude are you ok?

M - The main reason I texted was cause I was worried

R - I am doing magical rn

M - ...

M - Ok then

R - Well, goodnight

R - Hope we both fall asleep soon

M - Lol yeah

M - Night

R went offline

M went offline

Michael set his phone down and turned in bed, hugging his pillow.

'Why won't Rich get out of my damn head...'

Michael though, scrunching up his nose, trying to sleep.


A possibility slipped into his head.

'Oh my god...'

'I have a crush on Rich fucking Goranski..."


Jeremy was at his locker.

"Fucking Mondays." He mumbled. Michael slammed onto the locker next to Jeremy, causing him to jump.

"AUGH! MICHAEL WHAT THE...fuck..." Jeremy noticed the bags under Michael's eyes.

"Jesus man, what happened to you?"

"It will take a lot of explaining." Michael groaned, rubbing his eyes.

"We got ten minutes till class." Jeremy said.

"Okay, fine."


"Damn dude."

"I know." Michael groaned, his head slamming on his locker.

"Just tell him."

"I'm not gonna just tell him. He clearly has a lot of shit going on. I don't want my feelings to be dragging him down, too." Michael said, walking to class with Jeremy. Jeremy shrugged.

"It's up to you. You have fun flirting in class. I have to head over to my first period." Jeremy walked away.

"WE AREN'T-- ah fuck it." Michael sighed and walked into the room, taking a seat next to Rich. Rich had papers stacked on his desk.

"I'm thcrewed." He mumbled.

'Oh yeah, I'm supposed to help him with that.'

Michael thought, looking at the small stack.

'Shouldn't be too hard.'

He thought, shrugging. He tapped Rich's shoulder, getting his attention.

"My house today at 3:30. I'll help ya with all of that." Michael said, smiling. Rich smiled back, shoving the papers into his backpack.

"Thankth, Michael." He said.

"Of course. Hey, what you texted me last night--"

"Oh, It'th fine. I really didn't mean to thay that. Thankth for worrying, though." He said, cutting Michael off. Michael wanted to argue, but decided against it.


 Rich was at Michael's house. They had been there for 5 hours.

"You sure that your dad is good with you staying over night?"

"I told him and he thaid he doethn't care."

'Literally doesn't care'

Rich thought. Michael waved his hand in front of Rich's face, causing Rich to jump a bit.

"You spaced out there." Michael said, smiling.

"Thorry." Rich said, chuckling.

"Okay, we have only one paper left." Michael said.

"ONE PAPER!?" Rich yelled. Michael laughed.

"I know right. It's been five hours."

"Damn." Rich stretched and yawned.

"Come on, one more paper." Michael said, chuckling. Rich sat up straight and began working on the paper with Michael. He felt his eyes get heavier during working on the paper. His head was rested on his cheek. He sighed, Michael taking notice.

"You good?" Rich shook his head.

"I'm tired ath hell." He said. Michael sighed.

"There are only 2 questions left. I can finish them. You get rest."

"Thankth man." Michael nodded. Soon, he felt warmth placed on his shoulder. He looked down to see Rich sleeping peacefully on his shoulder. Michael smiled, his face heating up. He turned back to the paper and finished it quietly. Once he was done, he scooped up Rich into his arms and carried him bridal style to his room.

Michael couldn't tear his eyes from Rich. Rich was cuddled up in Michael's arms. His red streak fell into his face. Rich's eyes were closed, open only a tiny bit. His lips her slightly parted, light pink and--

'FUCK! Michael, stop being gay for one second!'

Michael cursed himself. He set Rich down in his bed, tucking him in. He closed the door and stripped into shorts. He hopped into bed, sleeping on the other side. He laid there for a second, sighing. Rich turned in his sleep and huddled close to Michael, causing him to tense up. He turned to Rich, his face heated up.

'Well...he cuddled up to me...'

Michael thought. He slowly wrapped his arms around Rich, pulling him closer. Rich's head laid against Michael's chest, Michael's chin rested on Rich's head. He sighed, the smell of Rich's cologne filling Michael's nose. He sighed, his eyes getting heavier and heavier. Then, he drifted of to sleep, Rich snuggled close in Michael's arms.


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