Chapter 3

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Michael backed up a bit.

"Dude, c-calm down. You passed out in my backyard." Michael said, hesitantly. Rich calmed a bit.

"O-Oh...I'm th-thorry." He stuttered.

"You really say sorry a lot." Michael said, leaning on the bed.

"Well, yeah. I have to."

"What do you mean." Rich froze.

"I-It'th nothing." He said quickly.

"Come on, man. You can tell me anything." Michael said. Rich shot him a glare.

"Really? Earlier tonight tellth me otherwithe." Rich mumbled. Michael sighed.

"You know what...never mind." Michael sighed.Both his moms walked in. Evelyn smiled softly.

"Ah, you're awake. That's good." She said. His other mom, Charlene, walked over to the side Michael was on, setting down the pain medication. One pill was in her hand.

"Here, take this with some water." Charlene said, handing him the pill and the glass of water.

"You have...two momth?"

"Yeah, you gotta problem with that?" Michael asked, getting defensive.

"Michael!" Evelyn yelled. Michael went quiet, looking down.

"I'm thorry...I didn't mean it like that."

"It's fine, hunny," Charlene said, inching the pill and water closer to him, "yes, me and Evelyn are both of Michael's moms."

Rich nodded and took the pill, drinking water after popping it into his mouth. Evelyn gave Charlene a look. Charlene nodded and left the room. Evelyn followed behind, stopping at the door.

"Michael, why don't you stay in here and watch Rich. If anything happens, just call." She said before leaving. Michael nodded and turned back to Rich. They sat in silence.

"So," Michael spoke up, "you're bi?"

"I don't wanna talk about it."

"It's fine. I'm...actually gay." Michael said. Rich raised his eyebrows.

"Really?" Michael nodded. "Well, now I feel like a major dick."

"It's fine. It was a squip."

"Yeah. That thuper computer wath a total athhole." Michael chuckled. Rich smiled, cocking an eyebrow.


"'s just your lisp." Rich's face fell.

"What about it?"

"O-Oh...i-it isn't bad, man. It's just adorable when you're angry with a lisp." Rich's face went red. Michael's heated up, too when he realized what he said.

"I-I'm sorry."

"It'th fine. I actually get that a lot. It'th tho hard being threatening when you thound like thith." Rich said. Michael felt a small pain in his heart.


"Jeremy, Jake, Brooke--"

"Well, Brooke makes sense." Michael said. They both laughed.

"Yeah, the alwayth boopth my nothe and ith like, "You're tho cute." I think the called me a thinomen roll, too." Rich said.Michael laughed at Rich's bad Brooke impression.

"That's Brooke for ya." Rich turned to him.

"Have you and Brooke been hangin out while I wath gone?"

"Yeah. The school kinda became closer."

"Well, everyone thtill hateth me." Rich said, looking down.

"Don't be dramatic. You got me and Jeremy."

"Oh, tho you're on my thide now?" Michael paused, but then smiled.

"Yeah. You're cool." Michael said.

//Gets slightly inappropriate//

They spent the rest of the night chatting and laughing. Rich felt a little drowsy, his eyes becoming heavy.

"You good, Rich?" Michael asked, taking notice to Rich's expression change. Rich fell asleep, falling onto Michael's lap. Michael went red. Rich's face fell right....above his crotch. Michael picked him up slowly, leaning him back down on the bed. He felt himself harden under his pants.

"God dammit." He mumbled, quickly stepping out of the room. He peeked his head into the living room. His moms were watching TV on the couch.

"Hey, Rich fell asleep. I'm gonna head to bed myself." His moms nodded and he quickly rushed to his room. He took off his clothes, left only in his boxers. He slipped into bed, closing his eyes tight. He hugged his pillow.

The feeling of Rich's face on his crotch still lingered. He moaned slightly, tensing up. His hands slithered down, palming himself slightly.


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