Chapter 18 ~FINALE~

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Michael looked around the yard. He was trying to find a clue as to where the hell Rich went. The cops where gathered around outside, talking. He heard the slight screech of tires stop behind him.

"Hey! You can't park here, ma'am." One of the cops said. Michael ignored it. There had been multiple times that people stopped by, trying to find out what was going on. He continued to look through the bushes right below Rich's window for clues.

"I'm sorry, sir, but I have something I think you really need to see." This grabbed Michael's attention. He stayed quiet and continued to look through the bushes. He listened closely, though.

"What do you mean?" The cop asked. The girl crossed around to the other side of the car and opened the door. The cops' hands slowly reached to there gun in case she tried to grab something dangerous.

Rich's POV

I felt a soft shake on my side and slowly opened my eyes. I mumbled a few things and groaned slightly.

"Rich. Wake up. We're here and I think I'm about to get shot if you don't show them you're okay." She whispered. I quickly sat up and looked out the window. It was dark from the outside, but Rich could see through it from the inside perfectly fine.

Sure enough, cops were waiting outside the car. They were keeping a small distance on the yard. He saw Michael's jacket in the back. That familiar red hoodie. I smiled and quickly stood out of the car. I crossed around to the front. The cops' expressions seemed to change quickly from suspicion to shock.

They quickly rushed over to me and grabbed me, pulling me away from Amy.

"Wait, no. She'th not the one who took me!" I yelled. I saw from the corner of my eye, Michael quickly jump up and turn to stare at me.

"R-RICH!" He ran to me and pulled me into a tight hug. The cops slammed Amy down to her car and put her in hand cuffs.

"No!" I turned to Michael and pushed him away. "Michael, you have to thtop them! She thaved my life. She didn't hurt me." I cried. He nodded and held me close, quickly rushed to the cops.

"Hey, don't arrest her. She had nothing to do with Rich's kidnapping."

"She thaved my life and helped me when I ethcaped from they guyth who took me." Rich added in. The cops looked to one another and slowly let go of Amy.

"Sorry, ma'am."

"It's okay." She breathed, shaking slightly. Michael turned back to me and pulled me into a very tight hug. Michael burst into tears in the crook of Rich's neck.

"God, I was so scared. I thought you were dead." He cried, shaking slightly. Rich brushed his fingers through Michael's hair.

"It'th okay. I'm okay. I promith I will never leave you again." Rich whispered calmly. Michael clung to him.

"No, it's not okay. I promised you that I would always protect you. I didn't check my phone when you were texting me. I wasn't there for you when you were probably scared as hell. it's all my fault."

"It'th not your fault. I love you tho much, Michael. I'm not going to let thothe jack atheth ruin that." Rich soothed, slowly lifting Michael's chin up so that he looked at him. He kissed Michael passionately, wrapping his arms around Michael's waist. Michael cupped Rich's cheeks, deepening the kiss. He pulled away softly and smiled.

"I've mithed doing that tho much."

"I have, too. Probably more than you." Rich giggled. That's when Michael noticed that there were scratches all over Rich.

"Oh my god! What happened to you!?" Rich sighed.

"Well, when I ethcaped from their car I thort of...took quite the fall to the ground. They were driving pretty fatht." Rich said. Michael frowned and kissed his forehead. One of the cops walked up to the two.

"Sorry to interrupt, but we need you to confirm who the kidnappers were for us." Rich nodded.

"Okay." The cop led them to the cop car. Amy tagged along with them, riding in the backseat. She turned to Michael and extended her hand.

"So, you must be Michael." She said, smiling softly. Michael shook her hand.

"Yeah. You are..."

"Amy. Rich told me so much about you." Michael smiled and turned to Rich. Rich blushed and smiled sheepishly.

"Well, of courth I did. I love you and I mithed you a lot." Amy smiled.

"You two are so cute." Michael held Rich's hand softly. Rich squeezed it, leaning his head on Michael's shoulder.

The cop stopped the car in front of the station, stepping out. He opened the door for Rich, Michael, and Amy. They stepped out and followed the cop inside. The cop opened the door to one of the rooms, allowing the three in. It was pretty dark and there was a window that lead to another room. They watched as another officer and he brought in two guys. He sat them down in the chairs.

"Rich, are these two recognizable?" Rich nodded slowly. His eyes seemed to widen.

"Yeth, thethe are the two that took me from my houth. The one with blonde hair ith the one who found me in the clothet and knocked me out." He said, pointing at him through the window. The two were looking around. Soon, their eyes landed on the mirror. They seemed to stare right at Rich. Rich took a step back into Michael's arms.

"I want to go home." He mumbled. Michael nodded and wrapped an arm around Rich's shoulders.

"Okay. We'll head home. You're gonna stay at my house." Michael said softly. The cop turned to Rich.

"We'll be sure to have these two thrown in jail. We need to contact your father." He said. Rich looked up to him and nodded.

"Okay." He said. He turned to Amy and hugged her.

"Thank you for everything. Ith it okay if I get your number."

"I would love that, Rich, but your phone broke. Remember?" She said. Michael stepped forward and took out his phone.

"You can put your number in my phone. I'll give it to Rich when we get him a new one." Michael said. Amy smiled and took Michael's phone, typing in her number.

"Okay, we better go." Michael said, taking his phone back from Amy. He slipped it in his pocket and hugged Rich close as he walked out of the station. They waited for Rich's dad's car to roll around. He drove up beside the station and quickly ran out of the car. He threw himself on Rich and hugged him tightly.

"Jesus fucking Christ, you're okay. I was so so worried." He cried. Rich returned the hug.

"I mithed you, too dad." He said. His dad pulled away and smiled.

"Are you ready to head home?"

"Actually, I wath hoping to thtay with Michael until I feel thafer back home." His dad nodded.

"I understand. There's nothing I want more than to keep you safe. Now, let's go. Michael, I'm going to need help getting to your house." Michael hopped in the back with Rich.

"Alright. Let's go." He said. He hugged Rich close to him as the three rode home. Rich snuggled close to Michael. He was so happy to be back home.

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