Chapter 6

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Rich's eyes fluttered open. He felt...comfortable and warm. He was cuddled up and hugging something. He also heard a heartbeat.

'Wait what?'

He looked up and saw Michael sleeping peacefully. His face heated up. He wanted to move, but he also didn't.

What made it worse was that Michael was in only shorts.

"M-Michael?" He whispered. Michael's eyes opened slowly, but widened when he saw Rich looking up at him. Rich looked so innocent and vulnerable.

'Fuck, Michael, now is not the time to get all hot and bothered'

"Uh...morning Rich." He said, smiling awkwardly.

"Why are we in bed together...and why are you...not wearing any cloth?" He asked.

"Sorry. I don't usually wear full night wear when sleeping. Also, I didn't know where else to put you to bed." He said, looking away.

"It'th fine." He said, looking down. His body was still tangled with Michael's. His hands were wrapped around Michael's waist and Michael's rested around Rich's back. Their legs were intertwined.

Rich took a deep breath in and looked up at Michael.

"Michael...would you be mad if I did something?"

"Depends on what that is." Michael responded, turning his head to face Rich. Rich moved his hands to go over Michael's shoulders and wrap around the back of his neck. He moved his face forward, his lips brushing Michael's. He felt Michael's breath hitch. Rich closed the gap, pulling Michael into a sweet kiss.Michael pulled Rich even closer, surprised it was even possible. Rich accidentally grind against Michael, causing a moan to escape Michael's lips. Rich pulled away, his face bright red.

"Th-Thorry." He stuttered. Michael smiled.

"I-It's fine." Michael said, chuckling.

"Can...I do it again?" Rich asked. Michael nodded.

Rich pulled him into another kiss, it was more passionate and slower than before. Rich pulled Michael over him, his legs wrapped around Michael's waist.. Michael pulled away, panting.

"I love you, Rich." He said, leaning in and looking into Rich's eyes. Rich smiled softly.

"I love you, too." Michael said, pulling him into another kiss. He grind against Rich, causing both boys to moan.

"F-Fuck, Micha~"

"Call me that again." Michael panted.

"Micha~" Rich moaned. Michael pulled away, pulling Rich to sit up.

"We should stop. Both my mom's are downstairs."

"Thath a good idea." Rich said, his face hot. Michael pecked Rich's lips, grinning.

"So, you want to come over again today?" Rich smiled.

"I'd love that." They both got up. Rich stretched and Michael changed into his usual CREEPS shirt, jeans, and his signature red hoodie.

"I can walk you home."

"Thankth man."

"Ah ah ah, call me love." Michael said, cupping Rich's face.

"You are tho cheethy." Rich snickered. Michael took Rich's hand and walked him downstairs. The second they saw his moms on the couch, Rich retracted his hand.

"I'm just walking Rich home." Michael said. Charlene and Evelyn nodded. They walked outside and Michael took Rich's hand again.

"Why'd you pull away?" He asked. Rich sighed.

"I didn't want them to thee and tell my dad."

"Why? They won't do that?"

"I don't really want to rithk it. My dad ith a huge homophobe." Rich said, letting out a slight chuckle. Michael looked at him, his eyes filled with worry.

"Rich, you're scaring me. Is there something wrong at home?"

"No. I promith, babe. I'm fine." Michael couldn't help but smile when Rich called him babe.

"If you say so." They reached Rich's house.

"I'll thee you tonight." Rich said.

"See ya, Richie." Michael said. Rich's face fell and he quickly turned to head inside.

'Did I do something wrong'

Michael thought.


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