Part 1: Black Rabbit Ball

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As you wait in line, you see that there are guards checking each guest for weapons as you approach the entrance 

Thankfully, the guards hastily check you, not bothering to search thoroughly, they let you in without confiscating anything.

Thankfully, the guards hastily check you, not bothering to search thoroughly, they let you in without confiscating anything

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The inside has a marble floor as people ball dance. Most women have a variation of a black mask on. (Merielle gets one and puts it on), You see pink hair for an instant, while everyone is moving. There is a band.

You waltz through the crowd, towards the figure. She looks familiar to the one on the roof but is more feminine, She looks over her dance partners shoulder at you as they move around the ballroom. 

Aries notices that the nondancing or drunk people really stand out, the mayor is in the front, beside the band.

Knowing that they can't start a fight, one by one the adventurers ask for a dance. Sooga gets up on the stage and starts dancing, the band cheering him on while Nolan No Nipples gets kicked out of the ballroom but comes back to murder someone in the washroom to make them his zombie. There are intense sexual sounds coming from the washroom.

(Disclaimer, this happened 2 months before I am writing this now, my memory is foggy so dialogue will be not 100% complete.)

Aries takes her hand. "I see you've gotten stronger compared to how you were before. Especially with your dancing"(She chuckles), "Hopefully you release the storm within when it most matters"

Next is Risotto's turn to dance with her. She reaches out her hand and takes Risottos. "You look hungry. Very hungry". Risotto stares at her and says "am I getting coochie tonight?", She giggles and looks around. "May I eat your arm?" asks Risotto. She laughs a bit harder and winks. "Maybe later," she says as she disappears back into the crowd. 

She goes to Dole. "You...You're like me, Someone who prefers the shadows instead of light and darkness." She disappears back into the crowd after saying this.

Ai takes her hand. She tries to use a charm spell on the lady, but the lady sees right through it. Staring at her smiling, knowing what just happened. Ai tries to charm the lady and the lady grins a bit, then disappears into the crowd. 

She takes Merielle's hand and dances with her. After a while she leans in, breaking the silence by saying "Hm... Normally I would get upset about someone wearing [my] stolen property but it looks cute, or one would say pleasant on you." (Referencing the amulet that Aries found in the room) "I-I didn't know it was yours" Merielle replies. The lady giggles and dances for a bit more before slipping a letter into Aries' coat. 

They seem to know each other. The mayor's guards start moving through the crowd slowly. She looks at Risotto and holds up a 4, and 8 then something that looks like an H with her hands, before disappearing into the night.

To be continued... <3

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