Part 2: Anonymous Ape Aftermath/Sleepy Time

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As the adventurers go inside, they see the flicker of candlelight in the distance. 

The path opens up to a large chamber. In front of them lay several rock humanoids kneeling down. A giant plant in the middle sits, squelching. 

The plant sucks the life out of a black dragon grunt, its vines invading the grunt's veins. 

Suddenly it throws the grunt at the adventurers. (Roll initiative I have written)

After a long fight resulting in Aries being the last one standing, Amaya and Jack Paul both knocked out. As Aries' helps the others up, he notices some technological parts glowing in the plants 'corpse'.

Behind it is a large map, showing a mural of a beast. the beast's limbs have the same glowing effect as the technology in the plant. When he looks closer, inside the mural's head is a drawing of a single figure. They copy down the map/mural then head back to the stable, where Diavola waits. 

"What happened today?" she asks. 

A/n: I think I've made a big mistake, there is Diavola and Diavolo, not sure which one is supposed to be here but I'm gonna say it's Diavola for now.

(Players gave their own retell)

Diavola asks to look at the map/mural. As you hand it to her, she closely studies it.

After a few seconds, they look up and tell you that the beast should be located somewhere directly north, though there will be many dangers on the way there.

"This is also a good opportunity to meet with any locals and learn about this civilization. According to the mural you told me about, this destructive force may contain ancient technology just like the plant had"

Diavola looks around once more. "I've run local background checks on the people inhabiting this place. I haven't found anything dirty on them but this should be your last night here, you'll still have to leave when you explore regardless."

A/n: oh wait it says here that she asks Jack Paul for a drink now... I guess I shouldn't improvise when I write this lmao

Also thx Leen for watching me write very gucci <3\



You guys should check this story out:

As I said, I'm gonna be putting this in every chapter cause I'm coolio, The author is really nice and the story is Very well written IMO. Have a nice day gamers!

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