Part 1: Fooplace Hideout

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They fall inside, into a circular room, the texture reminding you of a well. There is a room up ahead with the flickering of candlelight.

Aries decides to search the wall and finds a button. A room opens, with room temperature air coming out. A single pillar about 1-meter tall stands erect in front of the adventurers, an oval shape wrapped in cloth is mounted ontop. Aries takes it, seeing that it is an egg. He puts it in his backpack.

The adventurers enter the next room, there is a scent of smoke and paper. There is a rectangular dragon statue against the wall, a map with some newspaper clipping, and a bookshelf. 

Merielle goes over to look at the clippings. There are just reports about the party and what they wield. 

Aries starts searching the bookshelf in hope of a magic book but pulls a hidden lever, exposing a pathway. Risotto notices scrape lines at the bottom of the dragon statue, meaning it has been moved. 

The party takes the secret bookshelf route, finding a closet with a mysterious key inside. Afterwards they find a corridor with a staircase going forward and a logo on the ground with a room entrance. They burst into the room, seeing a Black Dragon grunt and 2 hobgoblins, then kill them. 

Backtracking, they find a spiral staircase and Risotto jumps down it, breaking both legs but is immediately healed. They keep going to find a chamber with 4 stone pillars, with a single Axe beak in the middle that is guarding the entrance to the next room.

 They keep going to find a chamber with 4 stone pillars, with a single Axe beak in the middle that is guarding the entrance to the next room

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It seemed to have glared menacingly then suddenly lunged at Aries, Pecking him. Aries brings down the axe on the creature's side and Risotto sweeps it's legs, killing the beast. After it is dead for sure, they both feast on it, somehow not getting food poisoning. 

In the next room are many crates and barrels. Aries finds a golden gorilla and Merielle finds some ale. Gray and Risotto both find some silver pieces, 45 in total.

The party notices that at the end of the room, what seems to have been an entrance is barricaded. Aries uses his axe to break this and everyone goes single file into a tiny tunnel. Aries and Gray are hit by a booby trap. 

The path opens up into a cavern, there are 2 Black Dragon grunts and 4 goblins. Merielle springs into action, covering gobby's eyes then electrocuting all the goblins to death while the others quickly kill the guards. Suddenly a figure appears.

" I was wondering how far you guys went... Well, at least I've caught up." They turn around to see it's the pink haired lady. 

In the next room lies a giant Boa Constrictor. It hisses and everyone prepares for battle. They take turns slashing and dicing parts of it until it is then Aries' turn. His eyes glow yellow as he swings his sword, suddenly emitting chain lightning from it. 

Aries' Sword updated description: 

Charge Sword of the Storm: The same thing but You can use a charge for chain lightning for up to 3 targets, they each receive 6d8 lightning dmg on hit, +1 target is -1 charge. These charges are refillable during any type of rest.

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