Aries' Sword Dialogue (POV - ARIES)

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A/N: A small correction, Gray is actually 18 meaning the character is not underage. Also, the image above is not mine as I am unable to take in-game screenshots on the Wii U. Anyway, Back to the story, I made a dialogue for Aries but I don't remember making one for Gray yet so we'll see.

As your party approaches the blacksmith, he looks up and nods.

He gestures to the inside of his workshop and you step in, He leads you inside, letting the others stay on the sides.

"Alright," he says. "I'm going to do the final touches on this I need you to come into the back."

You nod and follow him, silent. In the back, there is a fenced out area with no roof. You can see the clear sky. There is a vat of hot water, a sword lies in a hot furnace, the hilt sticking out with an anvil beside it.

(A/n: I used foggy lego Ninjago knowledge so sorry if this is incorrect.)

"I'm going to put the finishing touches on this blade when I say now, I need you to thrust it inside the water chamber. It should steam and be extinguished immediately."

He guides your hand to the handle/hilt. "Tell me if you need me to repeat, once we start we must finish it."

You politely ask him to repeat himself, 2 more times then take a deep breath, as he raises his tools high over his head and brings them down hard on the sword, sparks flying. He repeats this action a few more times before yelling "NOW!"

Without a single speck of hesitation, you plunge it into the vat of water, but instead of steaming, the water bubbles violently, eventually making a mini whirlpool. Sensing something is wrong, He tells you to pull it out immediately.

You pull it out, raising it straight into the air, the rain extinguishing it with a hiss. "Wait, rain? this wasn't here before" you mutter under your breath. You push the thought to the side as the blacksmith uses your arm to rotate the sword, inspecting it. The sword has distinct triangle/square upper markings.

He tells you to try to attack a dummy that is positioned nearby. You hit it 2 times, the first hit functioning like a normal sword but on the second hit, the sword glows, ripping the dummy apart seemingly dealing more damage to the dummy than it did before. One of the symbols on the sword seems to be missing.

Charge Sword Mechanics: This blade is made with raw magical energy and has 4 charges. When you hit a creature with this sword, as a bonus action, you may spend a charge to make the blade deal 2d6 additional force damage.

The sword regains 1d4+ 1 expended charges daily at dawn.

You look up to see the storm is suddenly gone. 

As you're leaving, the blacksmith informs you that the sword is a pure silver sword imbued with raw magic. It has the potential to grow, just like you do. He wishes you all the best and good luck on your adventures and heads back into the shop.

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