Part 1: Wagon Wasteland

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Its getting harder to find images already saved oh god

Anyhoo, Back to the story,


The adventurers wake up to some commotion. They go outside to find injured soldiers being carried into the city. You see the mayor get up on a crate and a royal trumpet blows, the chatter dying slowly.

"Attention kind citizens of FOOplace, we need you to stay calm and stay inside. Our men's wagons were attacked by a horde of wild bugbears, so our deliveries will be on hold for now. We need the streets cleared for bringing the soldiers in."

A female dwarf pushes through the crowd and stands beside you. "What about my Package? I had goods in there for my library!" The mayor grimaces and shakes his head at her.

"We'll get the package for you!" Says one of the adventurers, unclear who it was. Her eyes light up as she looks at you. "Really? Thank you so much! I'll pay you when it comes back safe and sound". 

As they start walking to the city gates, they hear a voice cry out. "Wait, Adventurers!". You turn back to see that it's the blacksmith from earlier. He tells you that the materials needed for Aries' sword is there and his assistant was in one of those wagons.

"I know that it's really unprofessional to ask, but I really have dedicated my time to this sword, and I must capture its power!" the blacksmith says, with a somewhat worried look on his face.

Aries rushes to the front of the group, his eyes sparkling; "YES WE'LL DO IT!!111" he shouts.

"Take some horses with you, you'll be able to travel faster. There is a stable over there" he says and points to it, regaining his composure and going back to his cool self. 

After collecting some horses, the Adventurers pack their food and set off into the early morning plains, following the route the librarian gave them. 

After an hour or so, they manage to find the wagons. There are 6, no 7 wagons, each damaged in some way. 6 wild bugbears are wandering around, searching the wagons.

The wagons are 10 meters away from the group, as they are hiding behind some bushes right now. 

Merielle spots a dagger stuck in the ground, slightly caked in mud, about 30 centimeters away. She politely asks Gobby for her enchanted dagger back using a spell to speak goblin, then giving him the mud-caked dagger after lightly dusting it. The party seems to have the element of surprise.

As you watch the bugbears, mesmerized by the sight, there is a sound of a branch cracking behind them. The adventurers whirl around to see a figure, dressed in a head to toe black leather armor with a hood and an animal skull-like mask. They have a wrist-mounted crossbow, a bulge on their (back of forearm), and a glimpse of 2 sword hilts over their shoulder.

The figure cracks their knuckles but does not seem to look at you. When asked who's side he's on, he looks around, points to the bugbears, and does a throat-cutting motion. 

He joins the party as they charge at the bugbears. The figure glances at the boy (blacksmith apprentice). They remember what they need to do, looking over the ruins. At a glance back, the figure is gone.

Sooga searches through the ruins, finding a crate labeled Lacy's Goods Package, Fragile, DO NOT OPEN

Aries finds a book about harnessing the mind, A special spellbook of pure magic, and some silver ingots.

Ai and Dino help the apprentice up, the boy thanks you. He passes on an old rumor of a secret treasure being inside of a red chair at the mayors office. As they finish loading your gear onto the horse(s), a group of soldiers approaches the adventurers. The Mayor is among them; He seems surprised to see you there.

"Hello Adventurers! what brings you here?" he asks. 

"We came to check if there were any more people here" Replies Risotto.

"What about you?" Asks Dino.

"I'm here because one of my spies told me that a suspect I'm chasing has come here". He narrows his eyes. "You wouldn't be allied with him by any chance, would you?"

Just as he finishes his sentence, one of the guards is shot by an arrow. As he turns to look at what just happened, you see the figure sneak behind another guard, raising his hand over his head to reveal an arm blade.

The figure positions his arm in the air above the guard's shoulder and neck then brings it down in-between, the force pushing the blade to crack the collarbone and push past the flesh into the heart, killing the guard.

The party springs into action, attacking the figure in an attempt to protect the mayor. They each take turns beating down on them with their spells and weapons. Wounded, the figure stumbles back, the bottom half of the mask cracking and falling. In a flash, he throws a dagger at the mayor, the guards running and jumping in front of it, while he disappears amid the chaos. There is a glimpse of him running past the clearing and disappearing into the distance.

The mayor's reinforcements arrive, and a medic comes and treats everyone's wounds.

After the injuries are treated, the mayor humbly thanks you once again for protecting him. He invites you to brunch in his office along with offering to answer any questions you may have.

The adventurers accept and go back to the town. The mayor declares that you have saved him, making the town cheer. The blacksmith spots and thanks you, taking his assistant. The librarian waves in the distance.

As you go to her, there are some Black Dragon grunts near the shrine of luck. Aries and Merielle notice them walk into a hole opened up in front of it, disappearing underground as the ladder retracts and the hole is sealed.

The mayor asks you if you've seen something. Risotto says no and he says "If not then come along."

The librarian accepts the package after you give it to her as you are walking to the office, handing Dino 150 sp for the party.

(To be continued 😳)

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