Part 1: Black Dragon Hideout: End

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The adventurers finish off the beast, it's corpse lying at their feet. The lady wipes her forehead with the back of her palm, relaxing for a second.

Suddenly there is a sound of crumbling and the lady jerks back into a guarded position, looking up. There is a shadowy figure on what looks like a staircase is carved into the wall.

(Before listening to what the Dm is about to say, Merielle goes mad-lad and shoots a firebolt at the figure. It misses. "I'm sorry I sneezed," says Merielle, and the figure says "It's okay". Aries tries to do the same thing since his main power is deceiving people by sneezing but is shushed. )

Noticing that he's been seen, he turns around and faces you. (The figure)/ A mask covers his mouth and he is wearing a long black cloak.

"So... We finally meet face to face, adventures" he says, his voice echoing across the cavern.

After there is utter silence or maybe it was now when Merielle did the firebolt thing,

[Who are you?]: "I am the head of this society, the bane to your adventures."

He sighs. "I see that you've defeated my weakest pet. This is not the end for me and my society though, it is the end for you."

The adventurers realize that while he was talking, he was actually slowly traveling up the stairs. He stands in an entrance, seemingly an exit. "Goodbye... Adventurers" he sneers as he pounds a button on the wall.

There's a large bang and different rocks and spikes start falling down from the ceiling. 

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