Chapter 3

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Two people look at me a platinum blonde haired with dark-ish roots and blue eyes and a brown eyes and haired boy with fluffy hair, looking at me

Me: Hi I'm Jesse.
I put my hand out and he shakes it.
??: I'm Daniel.
Lav whispers: He's the giraffe I was talking about.
I laugh as Daniel tickles Lav.
??: I'm Zach.
2 other boys come over.
Jonah: oh who is this?
Me: I'm Jesse.
Jack: Shes Logan's sister.
??: I'm Corbyn.
??: I'm Jonah.
The horn to my car honks, I laugh looking back at the girls and pick up my tray full of drinks.
Me: I'll see you guys around.
I walk back to the car and drive home to Logan's.

~the next morning~
I had school today so I got up, wore a hoodie and some shorts then opened up my laptop.

~ 5 hours later~
I had 2 more assignments left but I needed a break so I went downstairs to eat. I got down and saw Logan and the 5 boys I saw yesterday. I walked past them and start making a sandwich. I take out my AirPods.

Me: Logan can you cut this?
Logan: what why?
I raise my right arm to show my cast.
Me: I kind of cant 😂.
He chuckles and cuts the sandwich. He takes half as well.
Me: HEY!
He laughs as he sits down.
Logan: You seem tired.
Me: You try doing school without teachers for 5 hours straight and with a cast.
Logan: Okay bet that's the new vlog idea.
I chuckle while I go upstairs with my water bottle and my sandwich in hand.

~2 hours later~
I finally finish all of my assignments and go downstairs with my skateboard but before I leave I find something to eat.

I was making pasta while traveling through the kitchen on my skateboard. I was getting the sauces from the kitchen cupboard and when I turned around I bumped into someone and we both fell.

Me: Ouch.
??: Same.

I chuckle and the other person gets up. He holds out his hand and I take it.

Me: Thanks Zach.
He smiles.
Zach: What are we making?
Me: Pasta!
I take the sauce and put it in the pan and add the pasta and turn the heat on high.
Zach sits on the counter and we talk.
Zach: What happened to your hand?
Me: I was in a cage fight.

He laughs at my joke. I was having trouble putting the pasta from the pan to the bowl so Zach gets off the table and helps me. I sit down at the table and Zach sits next to me. He sees a packet of markers
He takes the packet and my right arm and he starts drawing on my cast.

Me: What are you drawing?
Zach: Shhhh it's a secret.
Me: Uh oh.
Zach: It'll come out great dont worry.
Me: I have very little trust in your drawing skills.
Zach: I'm an ArTisTé
I laugh and eat a forkful of my pasta.

Jack: Zach wher- oh I see... ;)
He smirks and calls the boys.
Zach: Uh oh.
Me: What?
Zach: They do this everytime I talk to a female.
Me: Do what?

The rest of the band comes in and sees Zach drawing on my cast.

Daniel: heHeEeEhE...
Corbyn: Let's leave him be hes too busy flirting.
Zach smacks his forehead.
Jonah: He's trying to bag.
Jack: He's drawing their future together.
I was dying of laughter while Zach was a tomato looking down still drawing.
Corbyn: What are you drawing?
Zach: You'll see...
The boys sit down and talk while waiting for Zach.

I laugh and take my arm.
He yanks my arm.
Me: You realize my arm is attached to me right.
Zach: Shhhh.

I smack my head and Zach shows everyone.

Zach: I drew a giraffe, that has a pet bean, there's a Starbucks cup in the hand of the giraffe, and the bean has noodle hair. I also drew a zombie going after them and behind the zombie I wrote "zombly acopalypse"

The boys laughed.
Me: I don't get it.
Zach: it represents the band.
He explains what everything means.
Me: Well you did a pretty good job for a guy who said acopalypse.

I get up and put the bowl in the sink.

Me: well I'm heading out boys I'll see you around.
Jonah: Where are you going?
Me: Skating.
Corbyn: Can we come?
Me: Sure.

Paul Brothers Sister // zdh ✔️Where stories live. Discover now