Chapter 20

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// Jesse/ you POV//
I walked into the kitchen and sighed while leaning my hands on the kitchen counter.

Payton; I'm guessing that's the famous Zach Herron
I nod as I unwrap my 6 inch sub. I get the bag of chips Payton laid out and sit next to him

Payton: are you okay?
Me: I have no idea

He tried to cheer me up but I didn't do much good. I could stop thinking about Zach. I thought I lost all feelings.

Payton: you are obviously not okay, talk to me instead of suppressing it.
Me: I'm fine
Payton: shut up, tell me what's wrong
Me: I don't-
The guys come in as I start my sentence.

Corbyn: Jess were bored
Me: find something to do
Jonah: there is nothing to do
Daniel: there is one thing to do
Me: what?
Daniel: BURGERS!
I chuckle.
Me: find let's go

Payton and I were already done with our sandwich. We walk to Logan's car Daniel and Corbyn whisper something into Payton's ear but I don't really think much of it. Jack and Jonah are in the back, me as the driver. Daniel and Corbyn sit in the middle row. I thought Payton was going to sit in the passenger seat but he sits in the middle row.
I look back at him

Me: what are you doing?
Payton: getting to know your friends.

The boys smirk, i knew it was their plan to get Zach and I to be friends again. I bang my head against the steering wheel and Zach comes out. He opens the door to the back seats but realizes everything is full. He gets nervous when he realizes he has to sit in front with me. I was still banging my forehead as he sits in the passenger seat.

We drive to the burger place as I remember everything that happened on the day we took JJ and Jace here. A few months ago when the guys brought up the moment in the burger place Zach and I had, I knew exactly what they were talking about.

When we got to the burger place I had a few fries as the boys ate their burgers. When I look up from my phone I see them making eyes at each other. I go back on my phone.

~30 minutes later~
The guys finish and we go to the car, Daniel takes the keys and Corbyn sits in the front. Payton and Jack take the back and when Jonah gets in the middle row he closes the door and locks it.

Corbyn rolls the window down a little bit.
Corbyn: come home when you've made up!

The drive off and I roll my eyes frustrated. Zach was just looking down at his shoes.
I was about to order an Uber when Zach stopped me.

Zach: please can we fix us? Or at least talk?

I looked into his eyes, he was desperate, upset.
I hesitate but I end up noding yes.

One of my favorite get away places was near. The beach. We walked there in silence. We got to our usual spot at the beach. The same place we reconnected last time.

When we sat down Zach immediately looked at me.

Zach: I f***ed up
I look down and play with my fingers.

Zach: Ik I f***ed up. I was blind and I didn't realize what I was doing and didn't realize what I was saying. I know I hurt you. I'm in truely sorry for that. I miss our little friendship, it was fun.

I smile a little remembering a few memories.

Zach: I NEED you in my life. Please forgive me.
I feel a hand make me look up. Zachs hand was making me face him.

Zach: I'm so sorry...

He seemed liked he was about to cry. He seemed genuine and like he regretted everything that happened. I immediately hugged him when I realized the guilt he felt.

He fell backwards on his back and sighed as he held me tightly.

Me: I missed our friendship too dw I forgive you.

I snaked my hands through his hair as I heard him sigh in relief. I could feel his smile getting wider. I let go and sat next to him. We caught each other up on our lives. He went into depth about the hate he has gotten. I thought to help the situation we should post on Instagram and Snapchat and everything else.

We took a picture of me on his back and captioned it "guess who's friends again?" That went to Twitter.

We took a picture of us messing around on the beach and posted that on snap chat. I captioned it "he's alright ig".

Then lastly on Instagram we took pictures and videos of us wrestling and posted in on Instagram. I captioned it "anyways...".

An hour after we posted it the fans were going wild. We all saw such positive comments and support of us being friends.

I'm glad that I could help Zach with decreasing the hate. I told him that Alex was still apart of my life even thought I didn't want him to be. I was stupid and read what he had to say about me everytime I got his messages.

Zach took my phone and read everything.

Zach: I never knew one could be so blind, stupid, ignorant, and oblivious at the same time.
I smiled as Zach scrolled through the comments with a little bit of anger.
Me: it's fine.

I shut off my phone. And take it from him. He lectures me on how it's not okay as we move further away from the water. We rest our backs against rocks as Zach starts a fire. When the fire starts to get going zach sits next to me. He makes jokes and uses pick up lines, it was just like old times.

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