Chapter 17

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I decided to go out to get something to eat so I got up and wore black ripped jeans and a dark green crew neck. I took the keys to one of the cars and I went out to Panera and Starbucks. No one was home yet so I while I was leaving I texted Josie.

Me: hey where are you

Josie: we're gone for the week because we
needed a break from social media and we thought
now would be the time so you could have
some space to yourself as well because of everything that happened.

Me: alright have fun :)

I drove to Panera and Starbucks and ate in one of my get away places. My favorite was always this lake I found that had a secret section. It was quiet, peaceful. I put my AirPods in and listened to music while eating and looking at the view when suddenly someone tapped me. I jumped and almost fell in the lake but someone grabbed me.

??: whoa
They caught me from falling.
??: are you okay?
They chuckled and smiled. I nodded.
Me: yeah thanks
??: Anytime, I'm Payton.
Me: Jesse
He smiled and soon a group of guys came out. They all smirked at Payton and I while walking away from the dock and further where there was a hill.
Payton let go of me and left waving slightly. I smiled a little.

I watched Payton and his friends mess around in the water which made me laugh a little. They were pushing each other in, making tiktoks, playing games. All of them were talking to me across the lake messing around which made me laugh a lot since they were embarrassing each other to impress me which always made me laugh.

I cleaned up and was about to leave when I heard my name. I turned around to see Payton with a towel around his neck. I smiled

Me: yes?
Payton: Could I get your number? You know to hang sometime...
I smile and we exchange numbers. I drive off. I don't know about anything romantic yet. I think I just need a friends rn and I feel like Payton and I could be friends if there aren't any feelings envolved.

I got home and went to sleep after taking a shower.

~the next morning~
I woke up to my alarm blaring and echoing through the entire house. I shut it off and got ready for the day. I wore some all black sneakers with ripped black deniem shorts and a gray cropped short sleeve t-shirt that was a little loose. I was planing on spending the day alone at the house but then I got a text message. I looked at it and saw it was from Jake. He asked me to come over and hang for a while to catch up. He didn't know about the new developments with Zach and I's friendship.
When I got there I saw Chance and Anthony playing with water balloons and water. I smiled and waved

Chance+Anthony: MINI PAUL!!
They ran over and hugged me. I smiled since I hadn't seen them much after I moved here. I smiled and hugged them back. We all let go and I went inside to find Jake vlogging. He sees me, smiles, and turns off the camera. After a few hours of hangingout with everyone Jake and I were alone outside catching up and I told him everything that happened. He was shocked because he thought everything would go smoothly and there would be no drama. He was obviously wrong. I was about to start cooking something when I got a text.

??: Hey it's Payton!

I smile and respond
Me: hey!

Payton; I'm bored wanna do something?

Me: depends what it is

Payton: ICE CREAM?!


I close my phone and leave jakes house. I put direction to the ice cream parlor and after I parked I saw Payton leaning against a wall on his phone. I decided this would be the perfect time to scare him.

I slowly and quietly walked up to him and screamed he jumped, almost dropping his phone. I was dying of laughter while he was regaining his dignity.

Payton: not nice
Me: very funny
We chuckled and we got ice cream. While we were in line he looked at me.
Payton: Um I wanna make something clear, I'm interested in someone else, I just thought we could be pretty good friends.
Me: get over your self you are not all that, if I thought this was a date I wouldn't have come.
He smiled and chuckled at my response happily.
We sat down with our ice cream and started to get to know each other. We were complete opposites but we got along so well. He was telling me about his girl problems later into the night while I told him some of the issues I had recently. I didn't tell him anything about Alex or the really serious stuff.

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