Chapter 8

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//Jesse/ you POV//
I told Zach about what happened and he looked at me shocked. We spent a while sitting and talking. We both looked at the time and it was 1:00am

Me: Zach...
Zach: Yeah?
I show him the time.
Zach: Why didn't they call us back?

I shrug my shoulders and we both get up and go to the spot where everyone is supposed to be. They weren't there. I called Corbyn.

Corbyn: Hello?
Me: You forgot us here.
Corbyn: No we didn't, we left you on purpose so y'all can flirt without interruptions.
Me: First no❤️ and two WTHOUT A CAR?!
Me: Okay bye!

I end the call and Zach looks at me. I jump on his back and we go to the front desk and get the keys. It's Logan's jeep. We find the car and drive.

Zach: Can we not go back home?
Me: What do you want to do?
Zach: Food!
I chuckle and we drive around finding places to go. We find a burger place. We take an order to go and we go to an empty parking lot and eat while talking. We made tiktoks, took pictures, and just had a fun time. After eating our food we just drove around, I showed him the different places I would go to get away from everything. It was 3:00am and we were posting like crazy on our Instagram stories because we were bored. We parked in a park and we both ended up falling asleep in the back of the car.

~The next morning~
I woke up to see Zach still asleep, it was 6:30am and I shook Zach. We put the seats in the back of the car flat so we could lay down.

Me: Zach.
Zach: Mmmhm?
Me: Get uppppp.
Zach: No.
His morning voice was so deep.
He pulled me on top of him and hugged me and didn't let me go so I would stop shaking him.
Me: Zachhhhh!!
Zach: Noooo.
I tried opening one of his eyes with my finger
He chuckled and opened his eyes. He sm huh iled and move my hair out of my face.
Me: We have to go home.
Zach: Alright fine, let's go.
We both get up and into the front seats.

//Zachs POV//
We left the park and in the first ten minutes Jess fell asleep. I drove home and when we got there I carried her in on my back. I opened the front door and the boys immediately came over.

Daniel: Just getting back are you?... ;)
Corbyn: I wonder what took so long... hehe.
Jack: You look tired, he looks tired.
Jonah: I wonder what kept you up so late that you're tired.
Me: It's not like that we just talked on the beach and we didn't want to come home so we ate and drove around.
Jack: Sounds more like a date to me.

I roll my eyes and I feel Jess hold me a little tighter and closer so I go upstairs. After opening her door I lay her down in her bed and put the comforter over her body. I move the hair out of her face and kiss her forehead before I leave. I go to my room which is right next door and I shower and then spend the whole day in my bed watching netflix.

~The next morning~
// Jesse/you POV//
I woke up at 5:00am without and alarm. I remember waking up a few times in the middle of my sleep it didn't last very long. I was laying in bed on youtube when I heard someone singing. I figured it was one of the boys. It was peaceful listening to it. I got up finished decorating my room with the things I got from target.

~1 hours later~
I finished decorating plus I showered and changed. I walked down the stairs and grabbed the keys. As soon as I was about to walk outside I heard people running down the stairs.

Corbyn: Where are you going?
Me: Out for breakfast.
Daniel: Can w-
Me: Yes let's go.
They all run down the stairs while putting there shoes on and meet me in the car. Daniel sat in the front while the other four sat in the back with Zach on Jacks lap. We first got açaí bowls and then we went to dunkin. We parked and ate in the car.

Me: One sec I'm going to go get some napkins.

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