Chapter 1

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In New York City

A man in business attire walked across a street to an apartment building. He walked inside and went into his apartment, he exhaled heavily, seeing that it's raining outside and threw his bag down on the floor.

The man walked over to the window and took out his phone looking at it before he accidentally dropped his cell phone down the fire escape

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The man walked over to the window and took out his phone looking at it before he accidentally dropped his cell phone down the fire escape. Frustratedly, he watched it fall down and exhaled sharply before he leaned his head against the windowsill with the window still open.

Suddenly, a pigeon landed on the window, he looked at it and the pigeon flew away. He saw that the pigeon had left a postcard, he picked it up a postcard from Storybrooke, he turned it over to see 'broken' was written on the back.


The purple smoke is still swirling around the town but was slowly dissipated. 

Mr Gold, Calista, Naomi and Belle were still at the well where the purple smoke came from. 

Calista looked at Belle, "Belle, you have to tell us what happened to you?" Calista asked her.

"I was abducted when I went to get Naomi her clothes," Belle told them.

"Regina..." Mr Gold said and Belle nodded.

"She locked me away until her curse and I've been in the asylum ever since," Belle said.

"For twenty-eight years?" Mr Gold asked and Belle nodded.

"All these years, you've been here. Alive," Calista said.

"Is... Is that... Is that why you both did this? Why you both wanted magic? For revenge?" Belle asked him.

"No, no. But it might come in handy," Mr Gold said.

"No, no," Calista turned to her husband, "Please, just focus on the reason why you brought magic back," Calista said.

"I cannot let this stand, Cali. I will no let this stand!" Mr Gold said.

"Rumpelstiltskin, you can't," Belle said.

"Look, promise me. Promise me you won't give in to your hate. Promise me you won't kill her. Promise me and we can be together, we can be a family," Calista said as she placed her hands on his arms looking at him, pleading him not to.

"Sweetheart... I promise," Mr Gold, he looked at Belle, "I promise you both," He said and looked back at Calista.

Calista smiled at him and they hugged, "Thank you, love," She whispered and pulled back, they looked at each other before kissing each other.

Calista smiled at him and they hugged, "Thank you, love," She whispered and pulled back, they looked at each other before kissing each other

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The Betrayal of the Sister [OUAT || RUMPELSTILTSKIN || Crocodile's Love #2]Where stories live. Discover now